Recovery after sedation…and unders?? Started by: Emma

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  • Emma

    Hi girls, just wondering if anyone has experience of local anaesthetic, sedation and unders?? How long until you felt able to ‘do stuff’ again?? Or could you imagine how long it might take to feel able to teach teenagers all day??! Or tend to your own two preschool children??! ( I have 3 days to recover as it stands, currently.) I know unders are supposed to be more painful than overs, but sedation is supposed to offer a much better recovery, so I’m hoping it might balance out?!? Yeah, I don’t suppose it works that way :-/ Words of wisdom, please!!x


    I’ve read about unders been more painful than overs. But to be honest I think it depends on the person and there lifestyle. I had 2 days full rest from my children (4 aged 10,7,5,4) I just made sure a lot of things were organised, ironing for a week, shopping in for a week, all the housework was done. I just can’t sit so by the 3 rd day I was ready to be up and about. Hope this helps a little. My pain has been quite pad, 2 weeks post op now slowly starting to ease. But it’s more an annoying pain xxx


    I didn’t have sedation, had general but had unders.
    I have 2 small children (3&20 months ) and was on my own with them after 4 days as my other half had to go back to work, I managed better than I thought I would, I was still quite tired so couldn’t do all of the things I usually would.


    I had sedation and unders hun, I literally couldn’t do anything for the first 4 days! After that I was ok doing some things and going out for a little at a time but I was always so tired and everything ached! I would say 3 days isn’t really enough! I went for a walk at around 6 days and felt like I was going to pass out! You really do need to make sure you don’t do too much xxx

    kelly 1

    i had unders and general, i was kept in due to pain in right boob, (which is still high) ive just put a post in the forum… i suffered quite badly, i couldnt do my normal routine stuff for up to two weeks, i have a 5 year old also, thankfully my partner and family helped out

    Amy 19

    i had general and unders, i’m 8 days post op and still struggling to do things myself. i don’t have kids so thats not something i needed to worry about, but everyday things i couldn’t do anything myself for the first 6 days! its only yesterday i managed to dress myself slowly and can now flush the toilet myself lol 🙂 xx


    I’m having sedation and unders on saturday!!

    Laura 13

    I had unders but had general.

    I had a pretty easy recovery. I have two children who are 7 and 4. I stayed overnight in hospital and never had any pain as such, just had stiffness/tightness. Got back home the next afternoon and was still just stiff/tight. Next day I rested as much as possible. Had to get my daughter to get plates out cupboard and stuff. 3 days post op I managed to go to M&s and pizza hut abd did some washing. Day 4 felt quite sore under boobs and belly. Day 5 could do lot more round the house. Day 6 went to asda but couldnt manage to even carry 2bags so got taxi home. Day 7 went out for day with kids I was pretty worn out and had backache. Day 8 i could now do most of housework other than hoovering and felt pretty normal. Day 9 managed hoovering. Day 10 felt great and went for long walk. Day 12 went out for mea. Day 14 went back to work got bit of backache.


    I too Laura feel iv had it pretty easy, can’t say iv ever been in bad pain, just a little tight at times , and this makes me wonder, have I actually had unders, surely I must have though if that’s what he told me?


    Thanks so much, ladies, I really appreciate your honesty. There’s no point sugar coating it at this point. Looks like I may well have to pull the first sicky of my life on Monday 🙁 Well, I guess it would be a genuine sicky, but I most definitely can’t tell them the real reason why :-/ Any suggestions??! Don’t know how I’m going to manage on my days off with my little people on Tues, Weds :-/

    Laura 13

    Im sure I had unders too Lucy. I just think everyones pain is different and I difnt hav big implants, 325

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