Recovery – POD4, 375 HP unders! Started by: Ashleigh

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  • Ashleigh 27


    Recovery is going really well, I was in pain for the first two days however that didn’t stop me from going for a nandos on day 1 and a costa on day 2!! By day 3 (yesterday) I didn’t take any painkillers and I’ve woken up this morning again feeling fine! I got really depressed on day 2 though as I felt like my boobs were an awful shape and I wished I hadn’t even had them done, but they’re already starting to take a more rounded shape! They still feel very high and VERY hard, sometimes they feel like they’re going to burst especially in the morning but getting softer by the day. They’re also quite veiny but I’m assured that these will gradually disappear! I’m quite badly bruised all down the middle and sides of my boobs too.

    I don’t necessarily have a big gap between my boobs but theyre certainly not close together at this point, the implants feel like they’re Actualy down my sides and under my armpit! I’m hoping that when they drop they will move further in.

    Ive attached a before and after (although trying to disguise the coney shape) and I’ll keep updating my profile! Xxx

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    Ashleigh 27

    Another one if it works…they’re still looking quite weird!

    Samantha 89

    Theyre looking fantastic!!!!! Xxx

    Ashleigh 27

    Thanks Samantha! I’ll try again for the other pic…

    This one makes my gap look so wide but it’s just because of the way the bruising is! Xxx

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    Samantha 89

    Do you think the gap will close abit? Im having unders an this was my main concern as i dont want a huge gap! They look blimming amazing especially at pod4! Bet your so pleased with them, imagine how theyll look when theyve dropped an fluffed!! Xxx

    Ashleigh 27

    My gap isn’t actually as bit as it looks on the pic it’s loads smaller, it’s just cause I have bruising all over the middle and it makes it look like a shadow and wide gap! But the bit Inbetween is very bruised and raised at the minute so when that goes down I’m assuming they’ll look closer together. I’ve seen loads of girls on here who’s gap has got closer though when they drop so fingers crossed!! When you having your op?? Thanks, I’m a lot happier with them now but they’ve changed so much even just within a day!! XXXX

    Samantha 89

    I just cant believe how good they look after 4 days, makes me even more excited! My ops april 19th im just ready for it not even nervous! Keep us posted chic! Xxx


    Hey Hun they look fab!!! I’ve got a HUGE gap in mine!! I’m 6 days PO now I don’t think it will close for me… But yours doesn’t look at all bad!! ☺️☺️ Hope your healing is going well xx

    Ashleigh 27

    Sammi, I’ve just looked on your profile and they look great! I do see what you mean about having a gap but your cleavage skin (if that makes sense) looks quite stretched and not very defined yet? That’s what mines like too and it’s what most people’s seem to look like post op! I think as they drop and settle, the skin and ‘gap’ will get more defined and look a lot closer! They look really good, how’s your healing going??

    And thanks Samantha! Yeah I’ll definitely keep updating, I was exactly the same before my op as well just not nervous at all! It will fly by and you’ll have amazing boobies before you know it ?? xxxx


    Awwww I hope so!! I think they are dropping more every single day!! Fingers crossed it closes together a bit more.. Yeah healing is going well… Apart from having to wear this breast band… I hate it! Haha! I’ve got another full week with it on too!! ?? it’s so uncomfortable! My boobs don’t really hurt anymore it’s just this stupid band ha! Can’t believe you’ve had hardly any pain!! Haha! I’m still struggling to do certain things… But I’m supposed to be able to drive and stuff tomorrow and don’t think I’ll find it overly easy ?? xx


    I think they looks amazing hun, I’m exactly like you before the surgery! Xx

    Ashleigh 27

    Aww thanks, have you had yours yet? Xxx

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