Recovery time Started by: Daisy

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  • Daisy 4

    I’m currently waiting for my first surgeon consultation and I was wondering how long it would be recovery time? Like in going back to work, I’m a dental nurse so I don’t sit down all the time. Would a week be enough? Xx

    lala111 79

    It depends if you’re having overs or unders, unders is more invasive and requires longer recovery and with that said everyone is still different when it comes to recovery & healing. Some girls felt their recovery was a breeze and went back to work in a week, others like myself had a really hard recovery and couldn’t do anything until 2-3 weeks later. So it really depends

    Daisy 4

    I was told I’d have either under or partial. Oh no sorry to hear that! So do you not think a week would not be long enough then?


    Hiya Hun, exactly as @lala111 said, everyone is different and for some it’s a breeze, I had unders and had a month off, my recovery was a bit pants and I struggled quite a bit after and also couldn’t drive either, I’m 9wpo now and the pain and emotions seem like a distant memory 🙂 x

    lala111 79

    I honestly dont think a week is enough with unders even if you’ll have an easy recovery especially that your job is an active one not a desk job & it requires alot of movement. I had the same experience as kelly, for the first 2-3 weeks i was literally paralyzed couldn’t do anything whatsoever for myself and needed help for a long time, i started feeling like myself after week 4 and I couldn’t imagine going to work anytime before 4 weeks, but some girls here went back to work and felt perfect after a week or two. I wish i can tell you how it’ll be for you but unfortunately you won’t know until after surgery, I thought i was tough and can bear the pain but it turns out that somethings are just bigger than what i can handle, let me tell you the restriction in movement was bothering me more than the pain, the pain itself was bearable as long as i am sitting still with no movement so I won’t lie! but if I decide to do the slightest movement it really hurts plus I couldn’t move like my body really cant. This bothered me way more because i am a very active person who loves doing everything by herself and hate asking for help every minute. I had to call my mum to scaratch my chin the other day hahaha

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