Recovery Time Started by: Ella

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  • Ella -1

    Hi Girls,

    Im thinking of getting a BA, however I don’t know when to go ahead with it (due to recovery time). These are my choices: I go to university and will have 1 week off for reading week (at the start of November) – here I will be very close to my clinic I have been from my consultations, however I am living alone with a friend and only have a shower.

    Alternatively, I finish university for Christmas (middle December) – here I live around 1 hour away from the clinic for consultations, however I will be at home with my parents and boyfriend for help, and I will also have a bath.

    Which do you think would be best? I obviously want mine done as soon as I can, however I also have my final year of university to think about and I want to do whats best so I can focus on my studies.

    Thanks in advance

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Ella -1.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Ella -1.
    Laura 25

    I’d do it the Christmas time holidays if it was me. I still felt pretty horrendous after just a week so you might not be ready to go back to university then.

    you can’t bath properly for 6 weeks after your op anyway and I wasn’t allowed to shower for two weeks either

    Heidi 217

    Up to you really everyone recovers differently, are you having unders? For me the first 5 days were horrendous but it switched and by day 7 i was back at work and driving, couldn’t shower for 2 weeks, i used a sponge and the sink honestly xx

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