Recovery time after Overs Vs Unders Started by: Mimi

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  • Mimi 45

    Girls I was due to get under the muscle 345CC on 30th jan. I ended up going to see my surgeon a couple of days before my op, I felt like I needed to stress what I wanted them to look like more as I hadn’t seen him since October! I told him exactly what I wanted and he advised me to go for overs to achieve a better cleverage as my natural boobs were quite far apart. (I originally insisted on unders in my first consultation as I wanted them natural) I ended up agreeing and seemed happy with our decision of overs. I had my op on Wednesday 30th I felt fine come round fast after the anaesthetic. I was up on my feet on the Saturday and out and about still taking it easy. I went out for a roast on the Sunday and felt fine. I have read so many comments on here of girls who have had unders saying they were completely bed bound for a week.

    I just wondered if everyone who had overs agrees that they had minimal pain and if there’s a massive difference between having unders or overs. I just think it’s important for people to know the difference in pain between the two as I didn’t have a clue ??

    HB 2

    Hiya! Haven’t had my surgery yet but I was offered Overs and the surgeon actually told me there and then the recovery is so much quicker and the pain is substantially less! X

    Ruth 116

    I’ve had overs Mimi and compared to some girls recovery period I’ve had it quite easy. Minimal pain I only had 2 paracetamol the night of my surgery after that I didn’t take any pain relief. My surgeon too also told me the recovery for overs was quicker, I wish it was the same for everyone. Your recovery sounds as though it’s going really well? ? x

    Mimi 45

    Aw thanks girls! I’m doing really well had my bandages taken off today so finally had a good look at them! I feel I could go back to work but off till Monday 8days post op x

    Louise 20

    I had 400cc overs on the 26th… It wasn’t until day 9 that I gained some of my mobility back in my right arm and I was a lot of pain especially walking until day 11.
    I was up and about feeling great following the op and felt fine the next day too… 2 days post op it really hit me.
    We all recover differently and I’m sure there’ll be ladies with unders who recover quicker than some of the overs.

    Tor Shields 78

    I didn’t have much pain with my overs, had a bit of a bad reaction to the anaesthetic after my surgery but other than that it’s just been more discomfort rather than pain. I’ve only been taking paracetamol since day 1 x

    Elle 81

    I had 400cc unders and did struggle for the 1st couple of days although saying that I only took paracetamol and ibruprofen didn’t take the codiene and coped ok! I am now 9 days post op and feel no pain what so ever! Only thing that hurts now and again is my nipple but I would say unders is probably more painful overall ?xx

    Kate 20

    Elle, your reply is reassuring, thank you. My op is on Saturday and I’m having 300 unders xx

    SophieJB 4

    I had 500cc overs too and my recovery was fine, a day of painkillers was all I needed. The only thing that I found hard was not moving my arms lots and getting used to these things being on my chest!

    Elle 81

    Aww Kate you will be fine lovely!! The worst is waking up in the morning because you feel stiff but if you get out of bed and move around I found it helped so much!!! I would say the pain is definitely copeable and I don’t normally have a high pain threshold You will be fine can’t wait to see your pictures 🙂 xxx

    Lauren 12

    I had overs and was in a lot of pain for the first week after. Could barely lift myself up out of bed or off the sofa and needed strong meds for that time too however, I had only recently recovered from the flu and at the time of surgery had a cold (which came directly from the flu, but I’d had it for a while which is why they agreed to operate as if it was the beginning of a cold I’d have been turned away), so I don’t think my body was in the best position to recover from surgery. I’m four weeks now and am pretty much back to normal apart from the horribly painful nipples!!! ? but I do think that if I was completely healthy at the time, my body would have dealt with it better.

    Becca 167

    I had unders and had no pain at all afterwards, just the general tightness, stiffness and achiness in my chest. I had a really great recovery. The hardest parts of the entire surgery and recovery by far for me were the constipation afterwards and the back and neck pain from sleeping upright.

    Mimi 45

    Think this shows girls everyone’s pain fresh hold is different regardless of unders and overs, also think it depends on if the surgery runs smoothly and a couple of other different factors! I think you just need to think of the end result and that will get you through everything regardless ??

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