Recovery time, need advice pleaseeeee Started by: harriet

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  • harriet 9

    Hello ladies, Im currently on annual leave from uni as a full time 3yr year student nurse. I am returning to uni on the 9th feb for 8weeks and due to go out on placement (in hospitals) 6th April. This include loads of personal care, lifting, physical work and long 14.5 hr shifts. My PC asked if i wanted to try and get a cancellation, to which i said i’d bring in my planner of my days off ect whilst im at uni. Im at uni 2/3 days a week and would have to go into lectures all days with the wrap, uncomfortablness and potential pain. Im then hoping im fully recovered and adjusted to my implants in a matter of weeks, ready for physcial activity on the wards. As a third year i dont know if i need this added pressure and pain, although i have waited for this for years and mentally ready. Any advice? How did everyone cope? xxxxx

    Rebecca 46

    I had a third year at university and went back 3 weeks after as I had the holidays off . I coped fine ! I have completely forgot about them now and the pain . How long would you be allowed off to have them? X

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