Recovery timeline Started by: Tori

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  • Tori 2


    I’m just wondering if anyone further down the recovery timeline can give me and idea of when the pain began to ease up/swelling go down etc and when they could get back to normal things.

    Elizabeth 33

    I had unders. I was out walks and at shops on day 2/3. Drove on day 6 although for a good 6 weeks could feel my chest muscle contract when changing gear. The swelling and tightness is gone by 2 weeks. I was never really in pain just a bit achy and only used paracetamol and Ibuprofen. X

    Tori 2

    Can I ask when you used ibuprofen from? I feel like that’s the only thing which will help muscular pain but I’ve been told I’m not allowed because of risk of bleeding, but I know it’s just different surgical opinion.
    Have yours dropped at all yet?

    Hannah 6

    I guess it depends on your medical background. I’m fit and well and immediately took Ibuprofen along with Paracetamol. Never had bleeding and worked well with pain. I was also given co-codamol but rarely used this to avoid constipation. Only one tablet at night in the beginning. So never gad bowel problems. Also helped that I drank a lot of water, lots of fibre, and walking from day 2.

    Hannah 6

    Btw I had unders. It’s day 5 today and I’m practically pain free (since day 3!). There have been very minor sharp twinges but very occasionally and mostly where the incisions are. Breasts still feel tight or stretched out but mind you I had zero breasts before lol. They definitely feel softer by the day and less pointy! My main concern is my back pain (i already had back pains before surgery) and not being able to stretch or lay flat is a struggle for me. But thankfully breasts have been healing smoothly. Can’t wait to have wound dressings taken off in 3 days!


    Really great thread, thanks ladies. I’m just about to book my op but panicking about recovery as I have a nearly 2 year old. Not even sure if I’ll be able to get him in the pram / push a pram / lift him into his cot for six weeks which seems so long. Any thoughts on that?

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