Recovery with small children! Started by: Natalie Jones

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    Hi All
    Im booked in for my BA next Friday (27th) and whilst im excited, I do feel nervous about the recovery, especially given that I have two young children (3yr old and 1yr old). Any advise or tips or has anyone else recovered with young dependants?


    My children are older 9 & 15 but my partner has a toddler … I made sure I had supportive pillow against the couch so I could be on the floor with him … He kept sitting on my lap & pushing his head back into my chest so had to keep holding his head

    Kept telling him I had a cold or headache so he’d be more gentle with me but I’m not with him full time so bit easier for me


    Hi! I am currently 5 day’s post op and the recovery is thing I was most worried about. I’m not going to lie it’s tough! I I have a 10months old and a 5yr old. My 5yo understands and is really good but my 10mo wants me to pick her up, cuddle etc. Ihad unders so recovery will take longer anyway, but it’s just so frustrating not being able to give proper cuddles!
    My husband has taken a week off work to help and will be around next week, movement wise I can move my arms more than I thought but showering tires me out enough to need to nap! Take it slow is my advice, I just have to keep telling myself it’s a blip and I will be so pleased once these first few weeks are over! Good luck!

    Katie 206

    Make sure you get lots of help for at least the first week. My partner did all lifting for two weeks after my op (my girls were 1 and nearly 3 at the time). Make sure everyday things you might need that are usually in high cupboards are at a reachable height as you will struggle lifting your arms up. I also bought a really cheap and light stroller instead of my usual pushchair so that it was much easier to manoeuvre and get in and out of the car etc. I had partials and I actually found recovery really easy but I was extremely careful with lifting just so that I didn’t cause any damage to myself otherwise I was fine! Don’t worry it goes so quickly and you’ll be back to yourself in no time! Xxx

    Georgia 3

    I had surgery last month with a 1 and 4 year old, my partner was supposed to be off work to help but unfortunately had to go away with work the following day so I was stuck looking after the children the day following surgery. In all honesty it wasn’t as hard as I thought, I could still pretty much do everything just felt a little stiff and struggled to lift my arms.
    The day following surgery I had to lift the children and also cleaned the bathroom and cooked etc I know not advised but sometimes needs must.
    I was driving a week after surgery.


    Thank you for the replies. I’m so excited to get the boobs I’ve always wanted but the recovery does frighten me with having my babies so young and needing me. But it’s a few weeks out if our lives for a result that will hopefully make all the difference. Thank you again xxxx

    Corrine 18

    It is scary. Let me know how you get on. I have my surgery booked for 18th August. My children will be 10months and 2 and half. The older is autistic too and they are both so clingy to me. I have dads help for the first week then i’ll be at it alone. X x x


    Georgia, did you have overs or unders? You sound like a warrior, I’m hoping my inner warrior takes over! Xx
    I’ll keep you posted Corrine. Xx


    I’m so glad I’ve found this post! I’ve just had my first consultation and I’m due to meet my surgeon on the 6th, my pc has advised that with such little breast tissue I will most probably end up with under. I have a 7 and 2 year old and the fact the recovery time is 6 weeks has really been worrying me, not the fact that it will be painful but the fact I’ll have to rely on everyone else to look after my children. My 2 year old is a complete mummy girl and not being being able to get hold of her.and cuddle her properly is really worrying me. I know it’s only 6 weeks and everyone heals differently and it will totally be worth it in the long run I’m just so worried about how my girls will be during that time xx


    Hi Emily. I’m having unders as I don’t have much of a natural boob! I’ll keep you posted on how it goes. My main worry is not being able to lift or cuddle my babies properly but I’m hoping for a speedy recovery and a bit of help in between from my husband and Mum. Xx

    Danielle 6

    Take it easy is all I can say I’m
    4 wpo and only just started lifting. Mine are 3&6 so a bit heavier too! I stayed with my
    Mom the first week as mine don’t see there dad so no help at home after that I was back to normal school nursery cooking work. But still laid off the lifting I had unders first week is painful and couldn’t really lift my arms plus the mess knocked me out a lot

    Illy 10

    This is so weird mine is next friday and i also have a 1 and 3 year old! I have been looking for posts on recovery with children!


    I’ve got my mother in law coming to stay with us for as long as I need her. My partner can’t get any time of work as he’s self employeed and we would loss to much money so during the week my mother in laws in charge ( kill me know these boobies better be worth it ????) then my partners gonna take over on the weekends xx


    Hi all
    I had my BA on the 4th of July 279cc unders 🙂 I have a 8 month old, 3 year old and 10 year old! Recover really wasn’t as bad as I thought I was lifting my 8 month old in the 1st week but tried to keep it a minimum! I was driving 3 days after just slower and at 3 weeks I was lifting my 10 year old son (3 and a half stone) he is disabled so don’t have a choice 🙂 it really put me off recovery but it honestly isn’t that bad! The nurse scared me half to death on my op day saying everything I wouldn’t be able to do I thought about just sneaking off ang going home so glad I didn’t 🙂 xx

    Beci 26

    I’m 5 days post op and my youngest is 20 months old. I know you shouldn’t but I was able to lift him after 3 days. My mum has taken a week off work to help me and I would say now I feel perfectly able of doing everything myself with the kids and the house etc.
    How are you finding it? Xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Beci 26.

    Hi all.
    Well it’s no where near as bad as I thought it would be. I’m doing everything myself other than lifting the children and hoovering and the only reason I’m not doing those is because it sends a massive stinging sensation through my right stitches, I think once they have healed a bit more I’ll be fine.
    Honestly was at a point the day before my op wishing I wasn’t having it done as was so worried about not being able to do anything, but it’s been so much better than I thought and new boobies are more than worth it!! Xxx


    So glad to hear other people’s recovery stories, I was due to have my mother in law come help out for the 6 weeks but might give that a knock now and just get my other half to have the first week of. She’s been so horrible just recently and we have had a fair few stern words I’m just hoping my recovery is like you all have xx


    Just reading all your post. I got my op ending of this month and this is what I’m worried about! How you getting on now? I have a 9 year old and a very active 1 year old. ????

    Corrine 18

    I had my op 18th Aug I’ve been able to pick up my 10month old and 2.5year old from about day 3. I just kneel down and get them to walk to me and hold my neck and lift close to my body. I’ve had a really good recovery so far though, no pain just bits of discomfort, but I am finding I need to sleep loads. X x x

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