Reduction and uplift girls – nipple sensation Started by: Zoe Jordan

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  • Zoe Jordan 17

    Did anyone find their nipples to feel kind of weird after their ops? I’m two days post op and have sensation in them which is great. I’ve had a little blood from the incision around the left nipple but I rang the nurse and she said its normal and not to worry. I can only describe them as feeling weird, like I’ve been in the cold too long! Am I being nuts?

    Vickie 5

    Hiya I had uplift almost 6 weeks ago. I still have some sensation and when it’s cold they react! But they def don’t feel normal. It can take months for them to get back to normal so try not to worry yet. Good luck with ur healing xxc

    Zoe Jordan 17

    Its weird and driving me crackers!
    Of course I’m glad I have sensation, I’m thrilled but its all very weird at the moment. I know they’re not bleeding at the incision anymore so its like my nipples are just trying to annoy me!

    Holly 14

    I had an uplift one of mine is hyper sensitive the other one I can hardly feel lol takes a while to settle as all the nerves have to heal I’m 3 weeks post op and I think I will take at least month to settle xxx

    Zoe Jordan 17

    The left one is driving me nuts! Sometimes it feels sensitive which makes me paranoid about bleeding and right now it hurts. The right one is behaving fortunately


    I can’t feel either of my nipples at all haha, your definitely not being nuts its just part of the healing process 🙂 x


    How did you have your surgery with in the end? I had a consultation today but wasn’t feeling very happy with him :/

    Zoe Jordan 17

    I’m glad I’m not losing the plot, Megan!

    Natasha, my op was with Mr Singh, I really recommend him. He’s a lovely man and fantastic surgeon

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