I’m 2 weeks away from my surgery date, I’m having a reductive mastopexy with areola reduction and breast augmentation.
I had a different size and profile in mind but my surgeon would only allow 200cc, I left my appointment feeling quite deflated and unsure what to think, I’ve now come to terms with it as I’ve realised the overall shape and size will surely be better than what I currently have!
Of course the surgeons know best and have to work with what you’re already got to begin with, I’ve never been measured as I’ve always been self conscious with my breasts and always kept them to myself, even in past relationships which hasn’t been easy or understood. I’ve always felt I was underdeveloped, in later years I considered myself to have tuberous breast syndrome – I’ve now been told that isn’t actually the case but need a serious uplift and areola reduction. I wear a 36-38B but very heavily padded and or gel, I have no volume on top, all bottom tissue which I pull up into my bra. I’ve finished having children and finally was able to have the funds to pay for my much needed surgery. I cannot wait to feel like other women and stop comparing myself to others all the time!! I cannot put this into words how much this will mean to me. I’ve found this portal very informative and I love reading positive outcomes 🙂
Only thing is I’m finding not many women have implants below 300cc or have many photos etc, I’m 5ft 3 and still carrying baby weight so currently a size 14, I’ll be having 200cc moderate plus with extra gel, textured and over the muscle. I think with an uplift that may take me to a full B cup so I’m really hoping my end result will be a C cup. I’ve been told that in the future it may be possible for me to upsize my implants so I could be my dream size which is a D cup. Does anyone else have a similar case or could give me some more advice.
Thank you very much
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