Reductive uplift with implants Started by: Alice

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  • Alice 1

    Hi, I’m currently a 30G and have been advised by 2/3 surgeons I’ve seen to get a reductive uplift with implants around 350cc as I’m looking for fullness in the upper pole. Has anyone had this procedure? I’m considering going with Mr Giannas, so if anyone has any experience with him and any before/after photos they could share, would be much appreciated. Thanks!


    Hi Alice

    I met with mr Giannas today and he has given me 2 options… I have decided to go for reductive uplift with implants (275 – 325cc) dependent on what he feels will suit best in theatre.
    I haven’t secured my date yet but hope to do this in the next few days. I think maybe meet with him and see how you feel at that appointment x

    Bee 42

    Hey Shannon have you had your surgery yet? Xx

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