Refund Started by: Rachel

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  • Rachel -1

    I have been told that I can not now have procedure that I booked and paid for in full, on 13th December as my GP referred me to secondary mental health services…
    The person I spoke to said I have to have atleast 6 months after such appointment to have the procedure.
    Where does this leave me in terms of a refund? If it is a medical reason should I expect deposit AND full amount>

    Rachel -1

    P.S. My patient coordinator was Cherelle, and she gave the impression that I could get a refund at any time. She has now left. I said to the clinic that I had a diagnosed mental health problem when I first went, so surely they shouldnt have taken my money if they are now saying I cant have the op??


    hi @rachel61187. I just had my BA cancelled as they are not happy with my GP notes. I’m also wondering where we stand with regards to a refund. Can you let me know if you find out anything?x

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