Regret going too big. Started by: xrosaax

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  • xrosaax

    Hey girls,

    Trying to decide on implant size. My surgeon offered me I think (may be a little wrong) 400 420 & 460 in naturelle. I’ve decided to have CUI instead & the pc said the biggest would be 525. Anyway I want to be big. I really want to be Victoria beckham size before the reduction. However not so big that I look like I’ve got one boob lol or look slutty wearing a vest top. So did you regret going so big? X


    i was aloud the 525’s but was worried they would be too big so choose 460, now i wish i went bigger :( the 460’s are a lot smaller than what i thought they would be xx

    nikki 2

    I had 460 and don’t regret them at all, I can make them look huge and natural depending on where I’m going, id actually like to go bigger in the future coz 460 ain’t that big I don’t think xx


    So would you say 525 would look ok? Im not too bothered about them looking fake because Victoria beckhams & the ones I like do look a bit fake but I don’t want them huge like Katy price or something. X

    nikki 2

    Personally I think its impossible to go to big on youyr first ba, I been on this site 18 monthds and I’m yet to see anyone go to big, you’ll b fine with 525 xx


    I think its dependent on ur body size. From what I’ve seen, if ur slim say size 8 and have a 525 then presumably they will look massive as oppose to someone who is a size 16. I’m going thorough what size I should be drama as I want people to notice I had them done but not be too big, if u catch my drift!!!

    Please correct me if I’m wrong.



    im scared for going too big for my frame with 420/460 unders (size 6, 32a) – really dont want it to be majorly obvious and kinda wana be able to disguise my boobies under clothes for things like work and when around fmamily etc, hope 420/460 will allow me to do that! lol

    @abi20 chick what size were you pre op again? im sure iv asked you that before but iv forgotten what you said! :) xx


    Beatrix that’s exactly what I’m saying. I’m telling people I’m having it so I don’t want people to be like really?! Lol. I’m a size 8 quite slim. Tall 5’8 and I feel I have a little broad shoulders. No bum so want decent size boobs. X


    i was 30b hun, nobody has noticed in work with me, i just started to wear really padded bra’s before my op so they wouldnt notice when i had them done, its seemed to have worked too lol xx


    aw good strategy hun! lol im hoping no-one at work notices with me too :s im gonna buy some baggy tops and i wear major padded bras anyway. only thing that may give me away is if my boobs end up under my chin from swelling etc :s iv got a week off work though – you reckon this is long enough for them to reduce in swelling? xx


    you should be fine! i took 12 days off, but that’s only because the medication was making me sick! xxx


    was it the antibiotics or pain killers making you feel sick hun? also how long are you on antibiotics for post op? I was told 4 days :s sounds like it should be a week at least though? x


    when i went to the doctors for a sick note, he said it was most probably the pain killers! so he said to stop the two types of paikillers they gave me at the hospital and to just take paracetamol, once i did that i felt better within 2 days! wish i knew that before, i suffered for a whole week couldnt eat at all it was horrible! im sure the antibiotics were just for 5 days xx

    nikki 2

    Rossa im 5ft 9 and a size 6, as I said mine dont look huge and I have a small frame, I now measurs a ff from an A cup and mind def dont look to big xx

    nikki 2

    Rossa im 5ft 9 and a size 6, as I said mine dont look huge and I have a small frame, I now measurs a ff from an A cup and mind def dont look to big xx


    Nikki can I add you as I’d love to see x

    nikki 2

    Add away hun xx

    nikki 2

    Add away hun xx


    I had 520 natrelle range unders there not that big on me but i had no breast tissue and very thin skin if i was allowed i would have gone bigger lol feel 3 to add me xx


    I had 520 natrelle range unders there not that big on me but i had no breast tissue and very thin skin if i was allowed i would have gone bigger lol feel 3 to add me xx


    hi charlie can I add you hun? xx


    See that’s what I’ve got Charlie because I breast fed so have a lot of loose skin but I’m not saggy. Now I have like no breast tissue. I dont know I’ve got a second consult so I’ll speak to the surgeon again & show pictures of what I want & see what he says. They are normally right arn’t they. X


    Of course u can add me hun!

    @ rosa exactly the same hun breastfed both mine for well over a year each feel free to have a look at my pics! Dr singh didnt wanna do what i needed and would only offer 380 which im glad i never went for so he suggested mr chantarasak who has been fantastic offered 460 but i pushed for bigger he said 485 if i have tje natrelle implants and i went bak n pushed for more got 520 n so glad i did xx


    Of course u can add me hun!

    @ rosa exactly the same hun breastfed both mine for well over a year each feel free to have a look at my pics! Dr singh didnt wanna do what i needed and would only offer 380 which im glad i never went for so he suggested mr chantarasak who has been fantastic offered 460 but i pushed for bigger he said 485 if i have tje natrelle implants and i went bak n pushed for more got 520 n so glad i did xx


    emmaelizabeth Im a size 6 5ft2 having 400cc xhp :) I think you will be fine with that size, im really excited! Ive opted for the biggest I can go! xx


    emmaelizabeth Im a size 6 5ft2 32a having 400cc xhp :) I think you will be fine with that size, im really excited! Ive opted for the biggest I can go! xx


    hi chick, ah were basically the exact same stats!lol yep im gonna go with the 420/460 because the 420 will be the ‘overall effect’ as the 460 is just going in my smaller boob to even it out ;) whens you ba? xxx


    hey girls i had 525s from a 36b to a 34g xx


    Charlie yours are fantastic just what I want and exactly how my ones are now (your pre op) x


    Thanks hun mr chantarasak done well mine werent saggy just completley empty there were so depressing best thing ive ever done xx


    Hey i have 525s from a 34 b and im very happy everyone i no says they suit my body and not obvious ive had boob job to strangers they look natural they measure a 34 f but dont look that big i wud say they look a dd or e at the most look at my pics if u want


    hey stacie hun am I ok to add you? 17days to go till my ba and it feels like im never going to make my mind up over sizes – swaying towards the 460 though :) x


    hi im a 34 c and my op is in 13 week!! im going to a e cup ive forgot what cc he said? isit 470’s? also i dunt no weva to go under or over muscle???


    i regret going too big! :( every day xx i had 460 from 32 b now im 34f i only wanted to b D/ e at most!!


    i was 30 c pre op had 295cc now 28 FF/G but cant find any brs to wear so im wearing 30 f/FF like my boobs but dont love them as i feel i should have been offered bigger implants to feel out my skin better x

    ticky88 2

    I regret going too big 😥 I had 525cc overs from a 30A and im now a 30G. Sounds great but it was a dumb choice.x


    really worried 420/460 is gonna be too big on my frame :s does anyone know if this implant size will look ‘proportional’ on a size 6 body? :s x BA 2 weeks today!


    im having 450cc a size 6 and my ops 2 weeks today aswell xx


    Ticky can I add you because that’s the size my surgeon recommended & sounds like we’re the same size ish. X

    ticky88 2

    Yeh no probs hun x

    ticky88 2

    Yeh no probs hun x


    Yours look amazing Ticky. Just like what I want. They look fab in bras & the top. How come you think there too big? X


    @missamyshadbolt Just added you hun – same implant sizes and BA date lol :) good luck for yours! what size are you hoping to be? Im a 32a now and want to be a DD max. Getting unders, what about u? xx


    ticky88do you mind if i add you hun. I’ve been offered 525 and soo worried theyll be too big and heavy.


    ticky 88 can i add u plz im in thurs debatin to go for 380-410 unders im small 34a nw totally flat n really unsure which to go for.


    Charlie24 Hey hun can I add you ? Just been looking at your post were you said they was empty before, I’m so in that situation now after having my kids and hoping to go to an f hopefully before Christmas Fingers Crossed lol :) if anyone has had BA to F could you add me cheers me dears x good luck to you all x

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