regret is creeping in! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    surgery day monday 27th now 3 days post op Wed 29 april – the pain / pressure under my boobs was relieved by my boobs dropping! So theres no pain there now and i think there still going to continue to drop! Had a wee cry this morning because i still dont no if they are fully finished dropping! And if theres swelling if that will go down because i definately regret my size now 🙁 400ccs i think i would be more then pleased with them! But il just wait & see at the 2 week mark but as of now depressed isint the word feel so dumb that i didnt go bigger my gut instinct was 400cc as iv done enough research onto breast augmentation ! Shud have just gone with the four hundreds but il wait & see how i feel in 2 weeks,im due my period next week aswell so that cud be why im feeling this way because yesterday before they dropped i was over the moon with them 🙁 one day at a time eh! :/ xxx

    Emma 26

    Hey Hun, its completely normal to feel the way you do, your bodys gone through something traumatic and takes its toll on your body and your brain, i am 4 weeks post op and still have days where im like why did i do this but then i look at my pre op pics and feel loads better…it does take some getting used to, boob greed hits most people including myself but i know deep down that if i went bigger i would look stupid lol, you have such a long road ahead when it comes to how your boobs will change 3 days post op your still swollen and things need time to settle, maybe when your period has passed the feelings will ease 🙂 xxx


    Thank you so much emma! I do feel better after reading what you said 🙂 im extreamly bloated aswell which is making my chest look smaller haha but once this bloating goes down i think il see a difference and your dead right once the period has been and gone id say il feel silly about feeling the way i did today ! Wondering is it normal for your stomach to be rock hard at the bottom ! Almost the same bloatedness as youd get if you were on your period but my stomach has never felt so big and full before ! Feel like a whale xx

    Danielle 131

    @gina92 You’re only 3 days post op hun, what you have now is not what you’re going to end up with. You’re going to go through a range of emotions with having this done but it will always come back to the same thing, you need to be patient. It’s extremely hard to do but its all you can do. I’m 8 weeks today and i am still struggling being patient to be honest.

    You will think you’re boobs don’t look big but when you get measured at 6 weeks or whenever you do it you will be very surprised at what you are. I went from wearing a 34a super push up bra to a 32F and i had 375/400cc mod + profile implants.

    You’re so early in the process i wouldn’t even worry about anything at the moment just rest



    Thanks so much for the reasurance girls! Means allot to me that ye took the time 2 comment! Realy appreciate the support,got of the phone to my nurse because i have abnormal swelling in my lower abdomen and pubic area :/ waiting on a call back from the surgeon and his opinion on my pics that i sent on to the receptionist x

    Trace 158

    Wow don’t you worry they will change tonnes in the next few weeks – feel free to add me and see my progress how much they change in the space of 7 days.

    Also with the bloating, mine lasted about 12 days but one day I woke up and it was all gone. xx


    If you dont mind trace! Il add you now 🙂 yeh the nurse said it was from the anesthetic cant believe its gone to mu groin haha never heard of it till its happend to me lol need to drink plenty of fluids and flush it out she said, id say il be happy with my 360ccs in the end! xx

    Trace 158

    Accepted xx

    Rachelellious 28

    Had my op yesterday Gina I’m resisting the urge to look and be disappointed lol cos I know il get boob greed haha I’m thinking once they start to soften you’ll be happier with them . I had 380 cc so were similar stats ? Add me if you like xx


    Thanks trace,yeah il add you now rachel,be good to chat to people through this experience 🙂 cant wait till they drop more and fill up my chest they feel like they dont wanna be in my chest at the minute haha x il be putting up more pics on my profile either tonight or tomorrow


    They will change so so much! Dont worry! I felt rubbish the first 2 weeks, then i think in the 3rd week they started dropping to a more natural better shape, they are more rounder, yet softer and fuller, exactly what you want to happen, mine look natural in shape, but they are a bigger cc size, youll be okay 🙂 xxx

    gina 11

    Hi girls..I think it’s completely normal to feel like this. I’m 3 days post op n I jus can’t tell whether I’m ok with the size..sometimes I think it’s fine and natural looking and next min I think I could have defo gone a bit bigger..firstly they’re gna change loads so no point thinking to far ahead atm..secondly let’s think back to what we started with ( in my case was nothing) !! That then puts a smile on my face xx hope you don’t mind the add girls x


    @Brunette800 thank you 🙂 i dont even know how much more there going to drop much more! Think there at there dropping level point but the fullness at the top will defo drop more to the bottom! I had teardrop shape,over the muscle only 360 cc :/ theres more fullness thats dropped to the bottom since yesterday,i think il be at my happyest when i get measured in 4 weeks and see then,unless im only a c because i was a B before,so going up one cup size would have been pointless,i cant wear a bra either for 5 weeks only 4 weeks and 6 days to go haha i think i feel even better then aswell when i can wear a bra & especially when they soften up 😀 urs are amazing though 🙂 id say if i dont get any happyr with them then i will definately go for a bigger size implant in the future! Love the look of big books like like casey batchelor and salma hayek xx sorry @gina im carefull of who i accept on here! People who have no pics or updates on their breast augmentation i wont accept sorry about that xx

    gina 11

    No problem!

    clairelk 29

    Hya hun. Am 5 days post op. And its my 3rd b.a. takes time to get your size. As everything has to mend back tgether n muscle to relax. A wanted mine to be bigger n a had 700cc. Hoping they will settle n fluff to size a want. Just remember u need to get a bra on them yet x


    @clairelk i had over the muscle so thata why im doubtfull theyl get bigger if anything theyl prob shrink haha but once they soften and i get them in a bra to add more shape il feel diff hopefully! Keep forgetting about the bra part since im not aloud to wear any bras for 5 weeks,im one week post op today,i think 5,600cc wud have suited me got 360s tho long way off haha what bra size were u before your last b/a? xx

    clairelk 29

    Wait til you can wear a bra n bikinis hopefuly youl feel diffrent. A was bra size d b4 these new 1s. Have a luk av put cuple new pics on. N theres a cuple ov pics ov old 1s lol x

    clairelk 29

    Av just had a luk at your pics. Are u joking….they are big. They look great hun honestly x


    @clairelk thats so nice thank you claire! 🙂 il be happy with them when they dont feel so hard i think wen they feel like actual breast tissue haha xx

    clairelk 29

    Wont take long for that. Feel better when u can start wearing bras. Ave been out tday with a vest top on n macom bra. There normaly that size with a bra on. Mine are 700. N stil dnt feel big enuf. Any bigger n ad look daft. But hand on heart there big n look good x

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