Request bigger size?? Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 41

    Hey, just wondering if anyone could help.
    I got reccomend 350cc 325cc 300cc on my right and 325cc 300cc 275cc on my left I need q nipple lift on my left so my surgeon said he would do my right then do my left to match. I’m just wondering if you can request bigger sizes as when I tried 350 on it didn’t feel/seem big enough. Any help/advise would be much appreciated.
    Thanks xx

    Stacey 7

    I have tried to request bigger but my surgeon refused, I seen another surgeon who has said he would fit what I want so I am just waiting to see my surgeon again. I have paid for surgery but I think I will cancel it if he won’t go bigger. So it depends if you are willing to go somewhere else.

    Laura 41

    Who refused meaning what surgeon, I’ve read the surgeon I’m thinking of going with refuses larger ive already seen 2 now so I feel like I’m taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back xx

    Lauren 54

    Ask for another consultation with your surgeon to discuss it. Have you got your surgery booked? As you have to give it 2 weeks between consultation and surgery x

    Leanne 2

    I’d strongly recommend you take take your surgeons recommendations hun, surgeons that go bigger than your body can handle usually have a bad reputation for complications. The reason surgeons like mine (mr Traynor) only do upto a certain size is because that’s all your body can willingly handle, and because they take pride in their work and don’t want you suffering complications or coming out looking ridiculous and ruining their rep (even if that’s the look you want, a lot of them specialise in natural (but fake) look)
    I had 350cc and was a 30-32B and I’m not a 30FF – I’m glad I wasn’t allowed to go bigger because they don’t sell bigger bras than a G anywhere really unless you buy them online and it takes the fun out of lingerie shopping! I have to squeeze into VS 34DDD’s xxx

    Laura 41

    Wow you cane out that size with 350cc? Omg I don’t suppose you have a picture do you? I’m a 32a so basically nothing at all, only reason I wanted bigger was because when I was trying the sizers on I tried the 350cc on and at that moment it looked good (partly because ive never had any boobs to look at) but qhenni looked back on the pictures there’s actually not much much different and I’m wanting to try and go for noticable look with clothes on xxx
    I’ve attached a picture of normal and with sizers on xx

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    Laura 41

    Try again

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    @laura16rose you’re starting the same size as I was & I had 350cc mod unders on the 2nd of July … I’ve got a few pictures on my page so feel free to have a look

    I wanted bigger fuller breasts but not huge & in totally happy with them so far

    Laura 41

    Hi Zoe ive sent you a friend request xx

    Stacey 498

    I listen to your sugoen the sizes you get and what will fit on you boobs with out causing and complications hun you will find these sugoen a that will fit what they want on people on there first ba end up with patients that have a lot of problems later on down the line xxx

    Jayne 10

    I’d advise listening to your surgeon as others have said they should only work within the limits of your body and what will work for you. I was wearing a 32a before surgery but was so flat and empty I literally had nothing. I had 300cc hp and have come out as a 30f. They are definately noticeable without being the first thing you see when you look at me. I was very bottom heavy so I’m evened out now. Your frame is very slender, you wouldn’t want implants to large or they wouldn’t fit your frame without risking, rippling and other complications

    Hazel 3

    Laura, speak to your surgeon again and tell him what size you would like to achieve and see if it is possible either under or over the muscle and this will also make a difference on the profile. I was a 34A and got 400cc motiva round full profile implants and I’m now going to end up a D/ DD. It all depends on the width and natural profile of your own bust so someone might get 400cc and be an F cup and someone else like me will be a D cup….hope this helps x

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Hazel 3.
    Ayesha 13

    I would go back and talk to him it’s a lot of money to get it wrong boob greed isn’t nice at all if your not happy with what he’s saying book inn with somebody else I’ve seen this all too often with my FB boob group and being one of girls it’s not a good feeling x

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