Requested Blood Tests??? Started by: Megan

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  • Megan 57

    Hiya girls. Just a bit apprehensive because MYA received my medical history and they have requested blood works be done. My op is only in 18 days and I’m worried that it might get cancelled or pushed back if something is found in the blood test results.
    Has anyone else had to do blood tests before their op and if so did it affect their surgery at all? I think I’m probably just over thinking it all and freaking myself out?

    Becca 168

    Did they tell you exactly what it is that they need to test for? It’s probably quite routine for them to do this in certain cases, so try not to worry too much. They requested additional details for me based upon my medical history too as I have a history of mental health conditions. They wanted a letter from my GP in my case, recommending whether or not I was fit to proceed with my surgery and they only asked for this ten days before my surgery, so I was scared it wouldn’t be back in time. I totally understand how stressed you must feel. It is probably just a normal check that they need to do to cover themselves and everything will probably be fine for you to proceed with your op as planned. Don’t worry about calling up the clinic to request an update as often as you need to in order to try to put your mind at rest. That’s what I was doing!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Becca 168.
    Mum1 7

    I had bloods taken at my pre op appointment 2 weeks before my op and swabs to check for MRSA (I didn’t go with mya,) I went through a private hospital. I think it’s just standard practice., nothing to worry about


    I had my op yesterday and my medical history was all fine but at my pre op they asked for bloods too, I just assumed if they haven’t been checked for a while it’s part of there checks? Nothing to worry about x

    Monica 122

    I used to take antidepressants some time ago so the clinic requested a medical report from my GP confirming that I’m okay at the moment and there is no issue with my mental condition.
    Also I had very low iron level so had to take blood tests to check if there’s anything wrong and whether my iron level increased since taking pills.

    I think it’s a routine procedure anyway so no worries. They prefer to stay on schedule so you would be cancelled or postponed only if there’s a good reason for that xx

    Heidi 217

    My doctors messed around and refused to give my medical history to mya untill a week before my op, so at my pre op they hadn’t even seen my history and i still had bloods taken so definitely think it’s standard practice xx

    Megan 57

    Thanks so much everyone for the replies, it’s definitely put my mind at ease a bit! Should all be okay then fingers crossed, just want everything to go smoothly x

    Monica 122

    It will. Don’t worry ? Fingers crossed Megan xx

    Laurie ash 4

    I had my preop on the 8th, for surgery booked on the 27th, i have had previous & recent anemia so they took bloods and said if anything comes up low/needs discussing on the results they would call me the next day, i Haven’t heard anything so im presuming all is fine! I was told my iron was low 4 weeks ago and have been on tablets up until then, so i think youll be fine! xx

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