Research and Making the Decision!! Started by: Bec

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  • Bec

    Hi Everyone,
    I just wanted to get an idea of how much research you all did before choosing who/where to have your BA? Also once you had decided, how quickly did you get the procedure booked?
    I also want to find out as much as poss about Dr Mounir! any help would be great 🙂

    Thanks xxx


    Hi I have specifically chosen mya due to Dr Traynor. He has operated on 2 of my friends now and they look fab and can highly recommend him so that has really influenced my decision. I suppose there’s still time to change my mind after meeting him on Wednesday 😉

    AllyH 2

    I searched on google for quite a few weeks mostly on forums and kept seeing good comments about Mr Mounir. I liked him when I met him – good sense of humour and didn’t push to have more done than hopefully necessary. I don’t remember coming across one negative comment about him using a google search. I didn’t use this forum for research until after my BA, stupidly really, thinking it would be biased, so I trusted what I read. This site has been invaluable since my op and it’s good to kind of go through it with others, people operated on the same day, some weeks and months ahead and then to help others worried and new to it all. 🙂 I keep saying this on here, but I really think it’s true – what you look like before op, is kind of what you end up with after, only larger. If your nipples point out before, they will after etc. If you look at website before and after pics you’ll hopefully see what I mean and then try to find girls who have a similar pre-op look to you so you get an idea of what your result might be. I took pics along to my meeting with Mr Mounir to show him what I liked the look of and he was realistic – saying my nipples wouldn’t be as high for example – I’m 47, so had this all done later than most. I’d obviously found 20-somthing boobs more attractive looking ha. Hope this helps xx


    I heard about 6 good reviews on dr traynor before I booked then come on here afterwards and seen even more so I went with him and I’m glad xxx


    This forum and everyone I have spoken to has been really helpful! So far I have had a really great experience with MYA l! I have been googling mr mounir loads haha, it all seems really positive – so excited to meet him next tuesday!! Emma can I please add you? xx

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