Researching finance options? Advice please! Xx Started by: Abigail

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  • Abigail

    Hiya, I am 18 years old and currently at 32B. I have desperately wanted a boob enlargement for so long… I have seen some amazing results! I am looking at all the different finance options as saving for the full op seems too long away 🙁 can anyone give me any advice/tips or share their finance stories. xx


    Hi @abigail
    i was the same as you, wanting a boob job for 7 years after having my little boy. after my first consultation with my PC she sent me the details for finance, you apply through MYA and once accepted you pay your £500 deposit and once your procedure is done you start paying monthly, the amount depends on how long your spread your finance over xx


    Thanks for your reply! If you don’t mind me asking what plan did you choose and did you find it an easy way to pay for your surgery? What size did you go too? xx


    Its alright 🙂 i did the 4 year plan, yes it was the quickest and easiest way for me, i wanted it done fast and as you know saving itsnt fast! Lol. I had 400cc high profile unders, havnt been measured yet as im only 11 days post op but i was a B and end result will be an E according to my surgeon xx

    Chelsea 3

    Hey Abigail..
    I did the finance I did the 2 year plan, so I paid my deposit of 500 and then my monthly payments are 224 I had my op in September 30th and my first payment was November 1st so that gives you a rough time scale on how to save, im pretty good with saving and with my job I get paid 2 weekly so ive always got money to spend and to also save 🙂 Hope this helps..
    I was a 34B (never got measured as was to embarrassed but they fitted perfect), I had 325hp Unders and now im a 32F after being properly measured..


    Hi Abigail…I’ll be doing mine on a loan as the interest rates are a lot better. I also work for a Bank so would never recommend finance as you end up paying back so much more hun. X

    Imogen 17

    I did mine as £500 deposit.. then put down 50% of the remaining balance which was £2247.50.. Meaning I only have £224.75 to pay for 10 months with 0% interest.. 🙂

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