Returning back to uni post op Started by: Danielle

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    I will be 5 days post op when returning back to uni, I will however only be sitting in a classroom. Will this be too soon to go back??? x

    Mollie 2

    It really depends how you feel , if it not for a long amount if time I reckon you will be okay but I thought I’d be okay for work six days post op and was unable to go in xx


    Hey, I went back to uni this Monday and that was exactly 5days after my op. I took the tube and the bumps were the most painful… Walking was also a nightmare as I could only manage an embarrassingly slow pace and most times I was unsure whether I’d manage to cross the road in time! I had friends that knew of my op so they were really helpful throughout, but if you can wait at least 2days more its defo worth it! After 7days exactly I was able to go out and walk fine.. Id only feel stabs of pain not as often as before 🙂 xx


    Thank you for that! Yes think I may wait a little while longer before going back, I thought 5 days would have been pushing it! Did you have overs or unders if you don’t mind me asking! xx

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