Hey girls 10 days po just wanna make sure a few things are normal and part of healing process…. itchiness errgghh its a pain in my bum, driving me mental. As my boobs seem to be regainning feeling theres pain, in areas of my boob that was not there before? So thinking thats connected? Pain at the side of my boobs and in the middle where my clevage is? This has come on last day or 2? Again I’m thinking this is just healing and connected. Seriously thought the itching is sooooo annoying 🙁 Is that part of my boobs healing? Thanks lovlies xxxx
I’m 5 days PO & I have the pain in the middle of my chest too:( hate it!! & a burning feeling but I think it’s normal xxx
Yes it’s normal itchiness is usually a good sign, burning sensation, bruised sensations, mine eased off at 4 and half week and still have odd sensations certain areas, still keep your nurse aware and if you get sudden fever or reD patches and hot. Boobs then call nurse as.those are signs of infections..xx I.think you’ll be fine
It is so hard even 10 days on to know what is normal and what isn’t. Thanks for your advice though 🙂 no hot boobs warm but not hot and no fever thank god 🙂 incisions still giving me grief and I noticed I still get tired quickly soech with this no excersise malarkie, stingy sensations is another to add to the list, but like you say I am early days yet so to be expected I’m sure. What a rollercoaster of emotions and feelings. Well worth it though xxx
I am so tired today just in general! Have had a lonnnnggg day!! Yes stinging also your nerves have been stretched and damaged so they are reconnecting and also your muscles and skin are being stretched. Although breast augmentation has become a ‘common’ plastic procedure its still a traumatic thing for the body several layers beneath are healing your body cells are working hard to heal 🙂 cheer up and yes hormone level arise too lol xx
I hear ya sister! I must say my nipples although are rather numb are soooo sore & sensitive! That sounds very contradictory!
They have dry skin too I think from wearing the sports bra constantly 🙁
I have one sports bra which is baggy and therefore doesn’t feel very supportive and another which is too tight on my incisions ;-/ both Macom.. Can’t win ha xx
Thanks @candybabey as you can see I have not mastered the tagging? LOL, I have dry nipples 🙁 I do not know if you can put anything on them? Yes my macom doesnt feel as tight anymore I think my boobs are getting smaller? Swelling is going down. Which is a good thing its so weird 1 day I feel fine and then the next I can be having a sore unhappy boobie day. xxx
Hi Gemma, I’m also 10 post op and have sore and tender bits on my boobs. My left incision stings every now and then but nurse said they had healed really well so hopefully it’s all normal! My left side seems more traumatised than the right and is taking longer to recover. I also get very tired, one day I’m ok the next knackered. Xx
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