Returning to the gym? Started by: Sarah

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  • Sarah 4

    When did everyone start working out again?
    Im struggling atm , im a personal trainer so training is my life and I feel so lost and im in the gym every night coaching – its torture!

    I dont feel ready yet as its only 17 days post op! But i was wondering by like week 4/5 if doing some banded leg work at home would be ok? I wont be doing upper body for a good 8 – 10 weeks I think

    But can everyone share their experience


    Laura 2

    Hi Shannon, how are you feeling 17 days post op?

    I look forward to reading peoples experiences on this as I do A LOT of weight work in the gym and go 4 times a week so taking the time out is a big thing. Obviously you have to sacrifice as your body needs to heal but looking forward to hearing how soon people are able to return to the gym.

    Sarah 4

    Im feeling fine, energy levels are back!

    Loads of girls do leg workout by week 3 but id rather wait to maybe week 5 to be safe (but feeling super flat now cos my muscles havent been pumped) šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

    Pink chick 32

    @Shannon, hi, I had 250 unders 3 weeks ago, I was tearing my hair out and went back to the gym at day 11 post op. I have just been really careful, uphill walking on treadmill, ex bike, the rolling stepper and just some resisted thigh abd/abductors and leg press machines (avoiding holding on). I have been fine so far.

    ria 1

    Interested to know about this too. Iā€™m two weeks post op today and missing it so much but definitely not ready yet. Even walking at a quick pace would be too much for me at the moment they feel so heavy!

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