Returning to the gym/Loosing muscle/Bodybuilding Started by: Gemma

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  • Gemma 18

    Hi girls, I’m getting my breast augmentation in August, I really can’t wait to get it done. I was wondering for those out there Who have returned to the gym what’s it like?
    I’m really into bodybuilding, it’s become a big part of my life. It gave me the confidence I never had and it’s done so much for me mentally never mind physically. I have always had pretty much no boobs, you can’t build boobs in the gym Sadly and I’m tired of feeling so terribly down by them and Manley ?

    So what I want to know is will I loose a lot of muscle having 5-6 weeks off the gym (going under the muscle 300-350cc) I know this sounds ridiculous but I want to mentally prepare myself before. I want to have boobs and if it means loosing some muscle, that’s fine. I just need to know ? and also how long before people starting doing compound exercises e.g deadlifts, squats, hip thrusts?

    Any input will be appreciated so so much.
    Thankyou girlies xxxx

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Gemma 18.
    Joanne 20

    Hey Gemma! I had my surgery 13 days ago and I’ll be honest I really wouldn’t recommend any weights yet! I have been walking on the treadmill just to keep active (as boring as that is) I’m going to speak to my nurse about maybe doing very light leg weights at around 2 and a half weeks post op as atm I think there is that risk of the incisions ripping open! I would recommend having protein shakes daily to keep your body recovering quicker and also maybe helping to keep what muscle you have.
    For me the no exercise has been the worst part about this experience, without it my diet goes out the window as I get really down about and ultimately I have gained weight which again gets me even more down.. Like you it’s a big part of my life too.

    What I would say is this is just a few weeks out of your whole life for something that is going to make you feel so much better about yourself and give you more confidence. So try not to be too hard on yourself, there’s muscle memory after all! Easier said than done I know but try enjoy the rest time and make up for it when you’re back to yourself!
    I can keep you posted on when I do actually start back the gym properly 🙂
    Anything else you need to know feel free to ask! Xxx

    Gemma 18

    Congratulations on the new boobs!! ☺️ How’s it been over the last two week? It’s totally expected to put some weight on, just think it’s only temporary, it can fixed and on top of that you can be happy with your boobs. You are right though, definitely shouldn’t be so hard on myself. Keep me posted anyway on your recovery, hope your well! Xxxx

    Rebecca 1

    Hi girls- I am about 11 weeks post op. I returned to the gym doing cardio at 1 week post op. Did bodyweight stuff about 3 weeks and started weights at about 5.5 weeks and I went straight into all compound lifts, I used a safety bar for squats for the first week until I felt confident with it again, the balance threw me off. I have lost only a very small amount of strength and probably zero muscle loss.
    I am back doing everything except pull ups. The biggest thing I have found is my core strength has deteriorated which is probably why I have lost strength (can’t squat or deadlift as heavy because my core isn’t as strong).
    I would recommend a very tight sports bra when doing chest as well! It’s going to feel odd initially when you get back into it.

    Also high protein diet massively helped me, I gained about 4kg during recovery and have just dropped it off so I wouldn’t worry too much about weight gain. It’s important to eat lots over the first few weeks to help muscle repair.

    If I can answer anything else let me know ? xx

    Janet 38

    Hi girls I’m due my op on the 29th July and already not looking forward to the time off training, so it’s good to hear how you are all getting on xx

    Joanne 20

    Here are my results from 8DPO to 17DPO! I have gained weight but I’m going to get back to the gym this week and hopefully shift it quickly. I can feel muscle loss but like I said I didn’t have much to begin with! I am hoping to start back light weights around week 4 if I get the ok to xx

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    Natalie 14

    Hi Gemma
    I’m in same boat as you and also getting mine done in August! But overs rather than unders (wanted partial but was told they’d be reluctant to cut hrough my prominent pectorials 🙁 ) also worried about muscle loss/making peace with a bit of fat gain. I think I’m going to try and keep my diet as protein and veggie heavy as poss for those first few weeks (not first few days, I’m defo gonna be treating myself haha) until my activity levels are higher. After I’m more normal/back to work im also going to try and make sure to keep my BCAAs/EAAs up as think they do personally help me maintain muscle when conditions aren’t ideal. I’m thinking treadmill walks/recumbent bike as soon as well enough too (just to keep the edge off and keep the blood flowing a bit! It is hard mentally to get head round when the gym is a main part of your life – I’m hoping it will fly by and even that if might help my future gains get a bit of a boost by having a proper rest for once! ?Good luck with everything! ❤ xx

    Gemma 18

    Hi Rebecca, did you get unders or overs? Your journey Makes me think so positively! Your core strength will slowly build up again. They’ve had three weeks of rest I suppose ?does it not feel strange or extremely tight on your chest when you deadlift or even just squatting with an empty bar? also do you mind me asking how long you’ve been training? Xxxx

    Gemma 18

    Joanna I love them!! You’ve got absolutely nothing to worry about, you’ll soon loose it again and your probably holding abit of water too! What size did you get?

    Gemma 18

    Hi Natalie, when in August are you getting it? We’ve just got to think it’s only temporary and after a couple of month when they’ve started to fluff and your on the road back to being a bad Ass in the gym it will totally be worth it ?? it’s going to be challenging. The longest I have not trained is two week. It’s nothing compared to a month but two week seemed like a lifetime for me…. the end result Will be worth it! Xxxxx

    Natalie 14

    Hi Gemma, I’m in on Aug 4th! Yeah exactly Youre so right! I’m the same 2 weeks has been my longest in years haha! Was hoping to compete in November but I think that’s a bit optimistic ? telling myself will be worth it long term and to not be a total idiot and rush things lol… and i guess also means can enjoy a bit more food/be more social over the summer haha! Every cloud! When are you in? Xxxxx

    Gemma 18

    natalie, that’s so exciting! Ahhhh I bet you can’t wait. Are you doing a cut at all on the run up to your op? Yeahh it sounds like a brilliant idea but also optimistic ?? I have heard it happen before though. But your hormones might not be 100% by November?? You’ll know how you feel once you’ve had your op I suppose. I’m having to take a few week off work unpaid because I work in retail so iv decided to enjoy my birthday next month and hopefully get in at the beginning of September xxxx

    Natalie 14

    I’ve been doing a mini-cut… did try and do a more full on one as was going to compete beforehand but pulled out! Hoping if a little leaner before op it will help haha! Ah cool yeah you might as well enjoy your bday first! Good luck with everything too – il post any updates about getting back in gym… I’m hoping four weeks will cut it ?? xxxx

    Gemma 18

    That’s what i was thinking! Good luck with your op, can’t wait to hear all about it! ? xxxx

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