Revision Started by: Sarah Bristowe

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    Hey everyone I saw my surgeon today who’s put in papers for a revision. I’m having a revision uplift as my breast have dropped a few centimetres since surgery a year ago. I’m just wondering if anyone else has had a second uplift and how the healing process was. Was it easier or worse? Also can people remind me of stuff to take. Not even got a date yet but just like to be mega prepared 😂

    Jps 4

    Hi Sarah,

    I’m kinda in the same situation as you one of my boobs has dropped and my areola on one side has stretched a bit to much I’m 5months post op and I’ve been told I need to wait a year.

    How straight forwards was getting your revision? Are you having the same size implants ?

    Bee 42

    Hi Sarah, hope you are ok. Who is your surgeon if you don’t mind me asking, and did you have implants with the uplift, or just an uplift? I have just had mine done and I am nervous in case they drop lots. From what I have seen on the forum the healing etc isn’t much different the second time around, even though they go over the same scars etc. Something about the tissue being used to the trauma from the previous op etc! Good luck


    Hi Sarah, I have just had revision surgery with new smaller implants and re-uplift.
    Seem to be ok so far but more painful this time round. I’m only 3 dpo. One side is slightly tighter/higher than the other at the moment but I’m hoping this will settle, my surgeon reassured me that the implants were even before he stitched me up, so guess it’s a waiting game.
    My surgery was with Dr Mounir. xx


    Hi sorry it’s been so long. I’ve been trying to get this revision sorted and finally got a date for October. It’s been a long process but finally getting there.

    I’m going for smaller implants to try and stop this happening again

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