Revision booked! Started by: Kaydee Stafford

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    Eeeek! October 30th with the amazing Mr Singh, really can not wait.

    Had my 1st BA last year after I had a partial mastectomy for tumours, I was tuberous in the breast I had left, been a non stop boob nightmare for 2 years! The tumours, the removal then all the complications with my aug and really unhelpful staff at my 1st clinic so I really an’t wait to get it fixed! I have 460cc nagor, CC in the left, lateral bottoming out in both, going to 615 allergan inspira, so so excted! I will update this post with progress reports 🙂


    I hope I’m allowed to post this… I have a BA help/advise blog that I will be updating wth tips on recovery, scar treatment, post op bras ect hope its helpful

    kathryn 1

    Hi, I had a read of your blog, I have really poor healing skin aswell, likely to be because of the crohns, and need a re-op cause of complications and appalling 6cm wide scars, can I add you? x

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