Revision surgery? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to get everyone’s thoughts on revision surgery. How bad does it have to be to get it done?

    I know they won’t do revision surgery just because you’re unhappy with the size but what about placement? I had my boobs done 6 months ago and I wasn’t even given the option of unders, yet I feel like I didn’t have nearly enough breast tissue for overs. And now you can really see the top of the implant, they don’t look natural at all, just round and stuck on, which is exactly what I didn’t want! I also remember my surgeon writing in his notes THEY WILL NOT LOOK FAKE, and underlining it. Which made me so happy, as I didn’t want the fake look. But I really think they do look very fake. I did have quite a big implant (400cc) but I am happy with the size. I feel like he should’ve put them under the muscle, or at least given me the option. The only time he did was when he was drawing on me right before theatre. He said are you sure you want overs? I remember feeling really shocked because that was the first time he had said that to me. And obviously I stuck with overs because I wasn’t going to change my mind on something as big as that just before surgery! If he had said this in the consultation and explained the differences I would’ve probably gone home and had a think about it and decided on unders. I didn’t even know that unders meant partial. If he had said that to me, that only the top part of the implant would be under the muscle, 100% and without a doubt I would’ve chosen that. That’s why I just feel really upset and disappointed.

    I don’t feel very hopeful for revision as it will be his word against mine but I just wanted everyone’s thoughts, or to hear from anyone that has had a similar experience.

    Thank you x


    Here is a pic. I feel like they are uneven too, and sagging already x


    And before x

    maya henry 47

    I started off a very similar before to you (32a/30b) and was given 350cc maximum as I was told this is the biggest I could go without having that hard circular edge at the top which is what I stressed most that I really didnt want. I really don’t think your problem is that you went over the muscle, I went over the muscle too and only 1 week post op I have a very gentle slope, you would think I had teardrop implants, no hard edge at all!! I know you said you’re happy with the size, but the problem here most probably is the size. A surgeon can only do so much in terms of making a really large implant look natural on a petite frame, I was also that patient that kept pushing for a larger implant then as soon as they were in I was so glad I didnt go any bigger because I didnt want to risk getting that line at the top. If you look on googleimages and see the chest muscle, it isn’t a particularly thick muscle anyway. It can help disguise the edge of the implant for patients that have very very little breast tissue but the muscle really isn’t thick enough to hide the edge of a 400cc implant on someone as petite as yourself.

    Revisions are almost never given for being unhappy with size, and if I’m honest I don’t think you’re going to get a revision based on going over the muscle instead of under because a lot of surgeons would’ve suggested you go over the muscle. Mine didnt let me go under and thats what I initially wanted! I think the reason they’ll decline your revision for this is because they’ll say that even if you went under the muscle, you would’ve had a very very very similar result appearance wise.

    If you REALLY want to try for a revision, then maybe you could go along the lines of you said you didnt want the fake look, so the surgeon should have suggested a smaller implant, but it’s definitely a bit of a reach, especially if you were one of those patients that pushed for a bigger size (I think most of us are).


    Thanks so much for your reply Maya. That definitely does all make sense when you put it like that. I guess I am just going to have to live with them until I can afford another one 🙈 because like you say I highly doubt I’ll be offered revision surgery. Even though I believe my surgeon shouldn’t have let me have such a big implant, or should’ve at least offered me unders at the consultation rather than last minute just before theatre x

    Beth 25

    Omg they look amazing! You’re so early on, I had overs too & after about a year & half they settled & look super natural now! Honestly though yours are perfect, please don’t worry! Xx


    Ah thank you so much!! I don’t feel like they look like that in real life though! lol. It’s good to know that they could still settle more in time though. That being said I am starting to think I’ve got CC in one of them which would be awful. I’m just waiting for MYA to reopen so I can be seen xx

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