Revision surgery- advise please! Started by: Yana

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  • Yana 51

    Any of you ladies had revision surgery? What exactly was your process? My surgeon agreed he will do it but apparently the office needs to put together a case? Is it normal process or something to worry about?

    Zoe Jordan 17

    I had priority wound revision surgery recently and it was easy. As far as I know, they just got in touch with head office, I filled in a new medical history form, my date was confirmed a day later and my operation was 11 days after that! It was pretty easy though I don’t know how it would be for your case.

    Yana 51

    Thanks Zoe.. Don’t think mine would be that quick but quite anxious as the surgeon said he will do it, that it’s the only way to correct it. I think it’s some sort of muscle deformity/ mild CC, not sure. It’s just not right. I had pictures taken and now waiting for it to get to the head office for a decision…

    Zoe Jordan 17

    It may not be, I think mine was because I’d literally had an open wound for 11 weeks down the front of my breast after my reduction. I hope it works out x

    Yana 51

    Oh Christ! I can imagine but 11 weeks?!!!! That’s a long time:(
    Is it all sorted now?

    Zoe Jordan 17

    Yes, I had my revision op about 10 days ago 🙂 I had to wait so long because there was a chance it could heal on its own but I’m a lot happier now.

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