Rhino! When can we use sunbeds plsss Started by: x Leah x

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    So desperate to be tanned lol hate fake tan, and have never ever been this pale for this long, I’m 6 and a half months, i was gonna wait till i was like 12 months but i don’t actually know? Obviously its not worth it if I’m gonna mess up my nose so i would actually wait for however long, but anyone know when its the actual safest? Tried googling it but its all different answers lol x


    You can be 9 months n go on a sunbed x


    As long as you cover your scar (if u have one) and use a high factor on your nose then you can on in sun or use sunbed.
    I went abroad and saw Mr G before I did and that’s what he recommended and I’ve had no problems. The reason they tell you to cover the scar is that uv light makes it go darker therefore more visible.
    Hope this helps x

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