Rhinoplasty Started by: nicola

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  • nicola

    Hey guys!
    I’m very much needing Rhinoplasty, I have the worst nose ever! Was just wondering if could have some advice from others who have been through it. I had a consultation at transform a couple days ago and it was horrendous! How would you rate mya and the surgeons? Anyone had a miracle work on their nose? As i need a miracle!!
    All help would be very much appreciated 🙂 x


    Hi Hun,

    I had my first consultation with transform and didnt like the nose surgeon ther at all. Done some research and found mya and got put forward for Dr G. As soon as i met him and discussed what i wanted i knew he was the right man i had 2 extra apps with him just so i could feel like i had put what i wanted out there and so he understood and he done exactly what i asked for. I havent had a miracle as such on my nose but everything i hated he has corrected. Its really worth meeting him as he is a nose god babe xx


    I’m having my nose done Monday with my local private hospital. Initially I had thought of going with mya then decided to look into alternative surgeons and options. This has worked out best for me as I used my consultations with mya as a starting point to compare other surgeons and the whole experience to. You need to decide what’s best for you and prioritise what’s important, and for me that was the best outcome and skilled surgeon available. Cost is also massive fact and I’m having my procedure done for over 2 grand cheaper than what mya offered and with an ENT specialist plus no payment has been requested until after the procedure. Just make sure you take time to explore different options to see what is best as everyone is different! X


    Made an appointment with my doctor to see what he says and recommends e.g. surgeons, clinics etc.
    Looking through here everyone is saying how good Dr G is but apparently very hard to get?
    Been looking at all clinics and surgeons near me and quite a few with really good reviews, MYA and Dr G having the best reviews out of them all! x


    Hey Nicola,

    Had my Rhino with Dr G just over a month ago and I am sooooooo happy! The reviews you read about him are true! He is amazing and a god!

    I could not be happier with my nose and it turned out better than what I ever expected!

    You can add me for pics hun xx


    I’m around 7 months PO with Dr G – we tried to transform the shape of my nose from my original to kim kardashians ‘latest’ nose – my pics show just how mental my experience has been….I suffered loads with swelling and I’ve lost the ability to breath through my nose…
    Some days my nose looks really teeny….other days the tip shape looks kinda strange….
    BUT I saw Dr G yesterday and he said that I’m not even half way healed….he pinched the tip of my nose and he could feel its still swollen tons on the tip – also the fluctuation of being big one day and small another…that will stop once it’s healed – which he doesnt expect til I’ve gone 15 months!
    Once the outsides healed, the inside will heal and I can breath again….
    He seriously has done loads of work on me that’s why I am taking longer to heal….I had open surgery with a tip grapht and had soooo much done in regards to shaping the tip….
    Overall I am so amazed at what he’s done, and I’ve still got another good 8 months left of healing for my nose to shrink….I know it is going to look amazing!!
    Dr G is truly an amazing surgeon and he takes extra time to perfect, he doesn’t rush the job or see you as just another patient – he takes on the challenge and works hard to succeed at perfecting his work!


    hey im 5 weeks post op open rhino i had mr fallahdar a wonderful surgeon i have had him twice now but not through mya all the best babe xxx

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