Rhinoplasty Started by: Jo

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  • Jo

    Going for my first consultation tomorrow at the Fenchurch Clinic…. after reading a few comments etc… Im getting quite excited ~ weird eh?
    Didn’t feel too confident with Transform, so hoping for better tomorrow
    Always better to get more consultations it seems :^)

    Zoe 1

    Hi Jo what are you thinking of having done? I had septorrhinoplasty yesterday any questions just ask saw your other post too there are lots of other people on here with their experiences of rhinoplasty too have a browse through the different groups 🙂 x

    Zoe 1

    Yeah there is no harm in going to see him and see what he say’s and if he can do what you want but you don’t have to go with the surgeon MYA chooses for you I saw one other surgeon before Dr G it is totally up to you 🙂 I went with a surgeon that specialises in rhinoplasty and other facial surgery rather than a surgeon who did just a bit of everything.
    I get my cast off in 9 day’s x


    Hey Zoe ~ added you, thanks. God, this is all so complicated in trying to find the right surgeon to go with… just when you think you’ve decided to go with someone, you then read up on them and read a few bad reviews and then you get second thoughts….. I seem to be going around in circles at the mo…and so undecided as to would be best to go with…. agghhhhhhh! keep in touch I would love to know how you feel about your new nose :^)

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