Rhinoplasty concerns 1 month PO Started by: Anon

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  • Anon 4

    Hi all, I had an open septo rhinoplasty with alar base reduction with Dr Giannas one month ago. On cast removal I was very happy with my results and the shape and size of my nose, although I knew it was still swollen. Since having my cast removed, my nose shape has changed a lot, it looks more ‘piggy’ and shorter. Is this normal?! Has anyone else experienced this and did it go back to what it looked like on cast removal? As the days go on it’s looking more and more unnatural which isn’t what I wanted. I know it’s still very early days but I haven’t seen anyone else with swelling like this which is worrying me. I have attached an image showing my nose the day after cast removal and my nose at one month PO. I have called Mya and they have said it’s probably swelling, but just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this?

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Anon 4.

    How is it looking now?

    Anon 4

    Hi Beth,

    I’m almost 6 months post op now and my nose tip has dropped thankfully! It dropped around the 3 month mark and I’ve noticed it drop slightly more which I’m pleased about. I still have quite a lot of swelling and saw Dr Giannas on Monday so he gave me steroid injections in my nose to help reduce the swelling a bit. He said it would take a few weeks before I see a difference. I hope that helps x

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