I have a rhinoplasty booked with Dr Giannas in May this year. I’ve created an Instagram with my journey @myarhinoplasty_5284792 . Feel free to follow my journey on there! If anyone has had a rhinoplasty with Dr Giannas and has any insight please let me know! A bit nervous as I can’t find anything on him or any before and after pics so I’m a bit nervous.
I had my Rhinoplasty with Dr Giannas and so far I love the results. I’ve got images posted to my Instagram if you’re interested (myarhinoplasty_2023) . Still early days as I’m still quite swollen and a bit bruised but really pleased so far.
I underwent Rhinoplasty with Dr. Giannas, and I’m currently pleased with the results. I’ve shared images on my Instagram account if you’re interested(geometry dash meltdown). It’s still in the early stages, and I’m a bit swollen and bruised, but overall, I’m satisfied with the progress so far.
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by memorablereceive.