Rib pain Started by: Chloe

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  • Chloe 122

    Hi I’m 5.5wks post op healing well no problems but about an inch or so under my right breast my rib feels bruised there is no sign of bruising though (this is also the side I get morning boob pain but only occasionally now) is this related has anyone had this? It’s not swollen either I’ve had it for about a week but don’t remember hurting myself or anything xx

    Yvonne 28

    Yes Ive got that too hun, feel like they have been crushed.. only feel it when im in bed though, probably the weight of these melons lol x

    Jane marie 50

    Yeh I had it on one side for a few days think it was the way I slept xx

    Chloe 122

    Thankyou ladies I cN only feel it if I press it or lay on my side it’s not massively painful but like I say it just feels like my ribs are bruised xx glad I’m not the only one xx

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