Rice test Started by: Emma Johnson

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    So… I have just tried the rice test, husband thinks I am an idiot but I havent a clue what size I want to be. I wanna be big but not so big they stick right out and look silly on me. I tried uploading before and after photos but for some reason it won’t let me it takes agessss then they fail to upload ?


    Try adding text with it / its done this to me a few times x


    No it won’t let me 🙁 do you think it’s because I am trying to upload from iphone?


    Yeah the file might be too big maybe? I’ve screen shotted mine a few times n that’s worked on iPhone x


    Hey Ladies, I might be a bit green at all this, but whats the rice test?????


    Jo it’s where you measure out the ccs, put them in either stockings or a zip lock bag then in sports bra to get an idea of weight n size 🙂 x


    What a shame I have some fab photos which would probably come useful to some of you. I have done 350cc and 400cc. I will use the online chat to ask how I can upload a photo.. X


    Thanks girls.xxx


    Hi everyone need someone with same stats as me I am 5 foot 8 and 10 and a half stone
    I tried posting a new post but it won’t let me for some reason so I have had to add to this post
    I have been recommended 355+375cc impala to but I am worried sick they will be too big as I hate big droopy boobs! X


    Hi how do you measure the cc of rice what do u use x


    Say for 350cc implant, it would be 350g of rice and so on.. So every cc is a gram of rice xx

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