Rice test before & after (400cc) Started by: JerryCharlotte

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    So I’ve found the rice test a good way to see what kind of sizes look right for me. If any of you are stuck on a choice of a few implant sizes maybe give this a go!

    All you need is a sports bra, loose rice and scales to weigh out the ccs!


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    I never even thought of doing that lol?! I just asked my surgeon for the fake boobs and he let me walk around wearing them in a bra till I got a good feel!! Don’t forget about the weight of them to 🙂


    I’ve seen a few girls do it.. It’s same as doing it with the implants like you do in consultation but I just didn’t take it all in properly first time round lol!

    You weigh it out so it’s the same as the implant weight and cc. Obviously shape will differ tho 🙂

    Just put the rice in old tights and tie ends! Ta-da! xx


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    Here you go girls! 😄 x


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