Right boob feels a bit odd Started by: Hannah

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  • Hannah

    Hey! So I had my surgery on the 27th January this year (not with MYA) and had 300cc under the muscle so I’ve gone from 32a to 32d. I had a very pain free easy recovery and it’s been 3 weeks since my final follow up with the surgeon to say I don’t have to wear the surgical bra anymore!

    But in the last maybe 2 weeks or so my right boob has started to feel a bit odd? It’s still as squishy as my left boob but when I wear a bra or top slightly pressed against the right one I can ‘feel’ the implant if you get me? Whereas my left one feels completely normal.

    Anyone had this? Will it go away or should I contact my surgeon? I’m not in any pain, it just feels uncomfortable at times :/


    Should also add- Visually everything looks fine also, looks a nice normal shape ect.

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