rippling Started by: carrie smith

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    hey i had my ba 3.5 wks ago. i dnt think they r guna change much now..i have bad nipple sensitivity..but can bear it.. iv noticed rippling at front and side of my boobs when i lean forward.. kind of abit sad as i wanted them perfect..but then again perfect doeant excist.. on plus side i was sneakily measured today and measure DD/E!!.x

    xjessx 5

    They will change a lot yet hun so don’t worry, as for the rippling Mr traynor told me that the only way to sort that is to put weight on :/ as another opp won’t sort it out because your skin might be thin or you might not of had a lot of tissue for the implant size you had if you understand that lol? If your worried phone your nurse hope this helps 🙂 xxx

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