rippling Started by: Lauren

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  • Lauren

    Hi girls im only 2 weeks post-op and I’m beginning to notice rippling, is there anything anyone would advice to prevent this. Is it something that is covered for revision surgery or what happens with this?



    Hey chick, are you sure it’s rippling & not just marks from your sports bra? I didn’t think rippling began that early on! What implant size did you have? & I don’t think it’s covered in mya aftercare it’s a risk of the surgery xxx

    candybabey 3

    You can’t prevent rippling as it depends on the thickness of your skin and fat surrounding the implant and muscles if you went under the muscles it can have a slight % less risk maybe I’d say by 20% less chance
    Losing weight, as you age, pregnancy all changes your body it’s a risk you take with breast augmentation although majority time those who do have rippling is very mild and can live with it. Some can’t and choose fat transfer or change of implant position


    If you are worried hun book to see your nurse the earlier you get it if it is rippling the more chance you have of a revision xx


    Do you have photos of the rippling.
    I had rippling with another company and had them taken out and im thinking about going through mya but eorried incase it happens again. Have you been in touch with mya about what they will do

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