Rippling Started by: Lauren

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  • Lauren

    Hey girls
    Can someone please tell my how or why you get rippling is there a way to stop this happening
    Must admit it is slightly off putting

    Suzanne 4

    You are more prone to it if u are petite and have thin skin or have a biggish implant, some say ur less likely to get it with unders but I have it and I had unders! Like I said in my earlier post – it is jus luck of the draw! Don’t let it put u off, my boobs are still 100% better than wat they were x oh and losing weight once you’ve had implants causes rippling too xxx


    Thanks Susan x

    Laura 13

    I didnt realise loosing weight after implants caused it. My surgeon sed I was more at risk of having rippling so iffered unders and I went fir smallish implant, 325. And choose soft touch natrelle as they aee more highly filled than cui so less chance of rippling.

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