Rippling!! Started by: Jade

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  • Jade

    Can someone please help!! I’m 2 months post op now I had 400cc unders, I got measured yesterday as a 30g which is fine but I notice as I lean over under both my boob wear the scar is there is slight rippling like in and out bits you can’t really notice it but you can feel it will this go? X


    Also I have my next 2 month post op appointment soon, if this doesn’t go will they change my implants for me or will I have to pay again as I paid off just over 4K in full already X

    Jessica 15

    I have those in an out bits on both implants I’m 7 week post op and the nuRse said it may just be fatty tissue and may go, hope it isn’t rippling do you have to get them replaced? X

    Jessica 15

    Iv just googled it, mine is when I bend over I can feel ripples but by the looks of it as long as you can’t see the ripples I don’t think you need them replacing as its not a major issue I don’t think so confusing

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