Rippling Started by: Aimee

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  • Aimee

    Hi girls I had 525s done about 4 years ago and now have rippling at the top of each breast, can this be fixed or would I need new implants? Thanks x

    kelly 58

    525 seem very big for your Stats. They do say if you go bigger than your proportion it can cause rippling. Have you lost any weight? As that can also cause it. My guess is to have them re done and paid for too, as you are not covered for rippling.


    Thanks I was 11 stone before didn’t think of the weight loss causing that ????So could be why

    kelly 58

    If rippling is a big problem, you might consider any one of the following, some of which may or may not apply to your individual case. In almost all cases, surgery is required to address problematic rippling.

    If your implants are overfilled, one option is to have some saline removed. This can be done in your surgeon’s office under local anesthetic. However, breast implant manufacturers do not recommend re-opening the port once it has been sealed. If you opt to do this, know that the manufacturer does reserve the right to void your warranty in the event of a rupture.

    Likewise, if your breast implants are underfilled, you can have saline added. Again, the implant manufacturer does reserve the right to void the warranty if the breast implant port is reopened after surgery.

    If your breast implants are over the muscle, you might consider having them switched to a submuscular position. In the average non-bodybuilding woman, the pectoral muscle is less then 1/2″ thick, however, this additional coverage certainly can help in camouflaging breast implant rippling.

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