I will be 6 week on Sunday and already both boobs, mainly my left are rippling at the cleavage, you can feel and seethe lumps on the left 🙁 has anyone else experienced this so early on? I have 410 cc hp overs, this is the size my surgeon recommended and never mentioned rippling, I’m absolutely gutted, spent so much money for them to last six weeks!
Anyone who ha had rippling? Do you have a re op? Who pays? I’m panicking now have my 6 week check on Monday 🙁 🙁
omg hun thats bad 🙁 so sorry to hear that! Is it really noticeable?
I would contact your PC about it and see what she recommends? Have you had your follow up with your surgeon yet?
I picked the smaller size implant offered to me as my surgeon said i would be more at risk of rippling with the largest size. Did your surgeon warn you about risks of rippling? x
We didn’t even talk about rippling, I was a b before so had some boobs, and my implant isn’t huge, I have an appointment on mondy with the surgeon x
Im surprised your surgeon didnt mention the risks of rippling with implants.. all the surgeons i saw spoke to me about it. At least you have your appointment on Monday with your surgeon to show him and see what he says about it. Im also worried about rippling, ive heard if you put on weight it can help becaues it fills the skin out x
heyy if you have a re-op it wont get rid of rippling you’ll still have it mr traynor told me that the only way to get rid of it is to put weight on hope this helps xxx
Just been looking at them and its also on the sides of them when I bend over? Is it more common in overs?x
Which implants did u get hun? they say u can only get rid by gaining weight? xx
I had the cui ones x
My first implants were 240 unders and I had bad rippling mainly wen leaning forward. Just had my third BA with 620 & 685 teardrops and again I’m ripply but it don’t show much only wen I lean forward and I’m glad I’ve got big boobs! It’s more common in overs and textured implants which I’ve got. X
Would they still ripple if I had unders instead?x
If you have unders your implants still ripples its just not visible due to you having a layer of muscle and breast tissue over the implant! As far as I’m aware you can’t have your re-op paid for you for the purpose of rippling its one of the risks of breast implants, as Jess said a re op won’t change your rippling, it’s just one of the downer points to implants!:( sorry to hear you’re so disappointed!:( xx
Kristina i was advised overs were better for me and that if i wanted larger implants than suggested i would be better going for the soft touch implants as there would be less chance of rippling but still no guarantee.
He def should have discuss it with you more. xx
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