Rippling I think Started by: Sarah

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  • Sarah 1

    HI Girls
    I am 19 days po and last night I let my ladies loose for an hour or so but when I went to put my macom back on, under both breasts I felt loads of bumps which I presume is rippling.
    Can anyone give me some advice on this please

    ayshababy 5

    i had this quite bad on the top of my boobs a couple of weeks after my op i could even see it i freaked but its gone now try not to worry its such early days things even out a lot xx

    Sarah 1

    Thanks hun, i was starting to panic a bit last night when I felt them and today they are slightly worse. I hope they sort theirselves out as i was thinking that they might have folded over. Advise to oneself is not to watch Botched Bodies ha ha xx

    ayshababy 5

    yehh dont worry 🙂 i was sooo panicky at first every tiny thing i was n the fone to my nurse freaking out

    haha im watching that right now prob gonna regret it after xx

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