Rippling with overs Started by: Rachel

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  • Rachel 15

    Not sure how to delete my last post but it isn’t to the point that much. What I’m after knowing, has anyone had any problems with rippling with over the muscle implants? I do a lot of manual lifting at work plus do weights at the gym (albeit mainly legs) so have been told by surgeon not to have under the muscle. However I haven’t got a lot of breast tissue and the hp overs I can have are 350 although I’ve been made aware that she cannot guarantee no rippling. Has anyone had similar experience? I’m not sure whether to go back and talk about going under the muscle as last night I was googling about women who lift having implants under the muscle and I couldn’t find any reason why not to have them…

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun I have overs 600cc hp over and I’ve no rippling at all if you lift heavy at the gym and heavy st work and stuff and have unders the muscle can accually contract and displace the implant witch is why your sugoen will have sugested overs I really wouldn’t worry about rippling no my sugoen said every will get rippling weather it’s seen or felt it’s just one of those things xxx

    Danielle 8

    Hi Rachel,

    I’m a personal trainer and bikini competitor so really into my gym pretty much live there 24/7! I’m hopefully having my op on Thursday this week and I’m getting unders. I’ve been advised to rest longer than most due to being so active, I’m going to take the surgeons advice as they know best. Maybe get a second opinion to help with your decision? xxx


    I agree with Danielle, I would get a second opinion. The second opinion might say exactly the same thing as your 1st but it would help you feel like you’re getting all your options! I had a second opinion as I wasn’t happy with my 1st, it just didn’t feel right to me, I had my second opinion and just clicked with the surgeon and felt so much better about it all.

    I’m having under the muscle and he has warned about the risk of rippling as I’m skinny, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take.

    Jen 107

    @racheljessica88 Hi Rachel I agree with the girls I would ask for a second opinion about the unders and lifting. I have had unders and I work on a farm so all day every day is a 12-15 hour involuntary gym session for me haha! 🙂 I was back at work week 2 albeit it in a lot of pain, but you just have to listen to your body and it will tell you what it can and can’t do, I’m sure this applies to girls with unders at the gym xxx


    I weight lift and just had unders and was never told it would be a problem although I doubt I’ll be working out my chest muscles moving forward. I was told you need to start like a beginner though but I’m ok with that. Defo get a second opinion.

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