So met the nurse and she took off the dressings off my incisions. She said they have healed perfectly so that was a good point…
Some not so good points, but nothing major were that she mentioned I had some blisters, but they were dry?? I couldn’t see them, she said it was because of the dressings. Oh well.. And I’m so bruised its untrue. I’ve not seen anyone on here with bad bruises like I mine.
Any of you ladies look like an umpalumpa has walked all over your boobs!? Haha
She said its normal, but also asked me if I had a natural birth? I’m like yeah why? She said I must have a really high pain threshold…
Yeah, that’s me that….
I was told I can shower today!! Woohoo! Got to go back on Wednesday to cut off the sutures. Other than that was told to keep doing what I do. No massaging of boobs, no ointments on them either till after 6 weeks has passed.
Will take some pics in a bit and upload them.
Hope you’re all recovering well xx