Scar pain :( Started by: Lucy Hannah Thompson

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    Hi girls, my recovery has been absolutely amazing. Hardly no pain, just the off ache here and there. I went back to work today (10 days post op) and my back is in agony! While at work I was getting really bad pulling, stabbing pains in my left scar…went to the toilet for a peek and it’s lumpy and looks like a stitch is sticking out 🙁
    Has anyone else had anything like this? I’ve got an appointment with the nurse tomorrow to make sure all is okay but just wanted to see if this has happened to anyone else? Pic attached! Xxx

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    Amy 265

    I had scar pain because my sports bra wasn’t supportive enough once I got a new bra it was instant relief. The implant was weighing down in my incisions. The scar will take ages to smooth out don’t worry. And I had a stitch poking out so nurse whipped it off with a blade when I went to see her. From your picture everything looks great and your doing the best thing seeing your nurse tomorrow.
    It’s only early days still a lot of healing to take place x x x


    Thanks Hun I’m gonna go get a new bra today xxx

    Clare 2

    Hi girls I had my strapping off yesterday at my post op appt and ever since my left boob scar has been agony I tried sleeping last night and it was horrendous as it just feels like my scar is stretching or my boob is pushing on it ….
    What did you do about a new bra ? Was yours too big ? What did you change it to ? Any help welcome as it hurts so much ! X.


    Hey sweetie is fine don’t worry about it my did this


    My surgeon told me to keep clean n dry xx what sports bra do u have on ? As you will need a really good one to take the weight off your chest and back xx

    jamie-lee 3

    Could any of yous give me advice on a good sports bra? I had my op yesterday and have a few from asda but scared incase they don’t give me the support i need xx


    OUCH! That looks so sore Hun. I’ve got a maccom I love it!! Bought some new ones today from M&S they’re ultra high impact they’re really comfy at the mo !! Nurse said my bra was fine but I can’t really afford to keep buying maccoms at £40 a bra! So got two for £30 in marks and spencer xxx

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