scared 225cc will be to big Started by: sophie

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  • sophie

    I only want to be a full B cup and im scared it will be to big for me, I told the surgeon I wanted maximum C cup but now I wish I said max full B , I don’t know what to do !!!!!!!!!

    Ive been offered 225cc unders im currently 32A/B

    please help girls!


    Hi Sophie

    Don’t panicccc!! 🙂

    I am just about to have my second go at breast implants…my first procedure i was the same as you, really worried about having big boobs as thats not what i wanted, i wanted the more natural look.
    I have 260cc unders (i went with a different clinic previously so sizes were different) and i went from a 32B to a 32C.

    As soon as i woke up from my last suregery i was so disappointed with the results!…There were still so small, so much so people didnt even recongnise that id had the procedure done!

    I’m now having my second go on Monday and I’m having either 375cc or 400cc. Sounds drastic but… originally i decided to go for 325 or 350cc but they reccomend an increase of a minimum of 100cc to notice a difference. I want to be a cup size bigger than i am now.
    I was really worried this time still so i went back to see my surgeon and told him i was so worried about sizing especially as this was my second go. i took LOADS of pictures with me to show him how i wanted to look and he advised me to order slightly bigger implants. my surgeon has ordered me 2 sizes so he can play and decide on the day which i think is great. makes you feel like they actually care about what you look like as opposed to my clinic before.

    If you’re really worried go back and see your surgeon, my surgeon was so helpful and put my mind a rest. Im not sure on your top size or how tall you are but 225 unders sounds perfect for a B/C cup.

    i warn you, like other girls have said on here, its best to got slightly bigger than too small as you do definitely get boob envy.

    hope this has helped you in some way. its the worst not knowing what the outcome will look like! 🙂


    thanks so much for that ! I am going to go back just to have another chat with him! I think its the not knowing that’ scares me lol, im only small and I don’t want a drastic change! good luck with yours!!!! x

    Ele Wills 69

    125-150 cc is supposed to be a cup size so 225 shouldn’t make you too big i’ve gone for 400 cc and i’m starting at a 34b but hoping to have DD am going under the muscle. So don’t panic they won’t be too big! xxx

    abby rose 59

    I was 32b pre op I had 450cc overs the muscle and if I had gone any smaller I would of been so disappointed and to be honest I think you will if you go with that size after paying all that money, do some more research and look at some pictures on here or go back and speak to your surgeon☺xx


    Hi Sophie,

    I’m 5’3″ and around 7.5 stone with a very petite frame. Like you I was very worried about going to big as I knew it would have looked ridiculous on a girl with my small frame. So I went for the 225 implants as advised by my surgeon as I was a 32 A and wanted to achieve a natural 32 C cup. I’m only 1 week post op so couldn’t tell you my size as of yet but i’m filling out a 34C sports bra which is infact pretty tight. Extremely happy I went with the 225 though and I appreciate it when people say go with the bigger size offered but I am more than happy with my 225’s. What are your stats if you don’t mind my asking?


    hey hun im exactly the same as you! im 5ft2, size 6 , and 32a bra, i was offered 225cc/250cc mod plus under the muscle, what did you get?- i am not going with the 250cc as a friend of a friend got that size and they look massive!!! if you could keep my update huni that would be great, hope everything goes ok for you,


    Hey sweetie, my surgeon offered me maximum 250cc but advised he wouldn’t be happy going with that size as they’d stretch my skin that extra bit more. He also made a valid point that in 10 years time when I need to get them changed i would probably need to increase the size slightly due to filling the stretched skin etc so best to start of small. I think you’d be happy with the 225. The one thing I will say being so small if you go too big it could cause serious back pain/trouble in the future. When is your op Hun? X


    its on the 8th november, i only want to go small, the max i wanted was a small C cup, i have booked another appointment to see my surgeon to discuss sizing again, as i might want to go smaller then 225cc. when you tried on the implant pre op, does it pretty much look the same size after the op, also what profile are you having , i was advised mod plus xx did you go over or under muscle x


    I would say it looks more or less the same as when trying on the implant however at the moment there’s still a lot of swelling and the muscle needs to loosen. I went for mod plus under the muscle. Apparently they get a little bigger as the swelling goes down as the muscle relaxes so it isn’t pushing tightly down on the implant. The best advice I can give you is to go with whatever you feel most comfortable. Don’t let anyone try and sway your decision as ultimately it’s your body and you want to be happy with the end result. It’s very exciting when you wake up and realise you finally have the boobs you have always wanted! Once the swelling has gone down I will put a before and after photo up of mine to help reassure you 🙂 x


    @abbyrosex I totally agree with you! ?

    Pug lover 1

    @channonleiighxo Hi channy. I am a 30aa and my surgeon has recommended 250cc max for me for the same reasons as you say. I am worried they will be too small as I wanted to be a natural c cup. Do you have ant photos at all?! Are you happy with the size? X


    Hi Hun, it all depends on your stats and frame really. I was a really small A and 5’3″ about 45kg with a petite frame and my surgeon said he wouldn’t be happy going any bigger than 225 cc as I didn’t have enough breast tissue therefor increased chances of rippling etc. I am currently over the moon with my new boobs. They look so nice and natural and I’m filling out a 34 C sports bra comfortably at 3 weeks post op. I haven’t put any photos up yet but I will take some recent ones soon and put them on my profile xx


    Hi channy,
    I am similar stats, 5,3 and about 7st 10 i wear size 6/8 clothes and a 32A, i have been offered 250/275/300cc HP unders, i was thinking to go dead in the middle with 275 but really struggling to decide as i dont want them to be to big, my op is in 2 weeks, i hope u dont mind but i have added you to see your results x

    Sarah 3

    I had 250cc moderate profile partials.. I was 32a and now wear 32D/DD bras x

    sharon 13

    Hi I had my op on Friday and I had 275cc unders I’m 5 ‘1 size 6 small frame I was so scared incase 275cc was too big for me as when I tried implants on pre op it did look really big I felt going under the muscle u do lose abit of size I’m no where near as big as I tried on……..but I’m now 3 days po and so so pleased I didn’t go any smaller perfect for my body frame my surgeon said he would give me 275cc Hp unders natural look which I fully put my trust in him and my experience was amazing….I had so many sleepless nights due to worrying about sizing but I’m 100% happy have my strapping of Thursday which I will c them fully good luck what ever u decide to do xxxxx

    Victoria 2

    Im having my op in two weeks and am scared 225 will be too small. I am a lawyer and so didnt want an obvious fake look which could compromise my professional career.i think my surgeon has latched onto this and is now erring on the side of caution. I want a full c small d. I am 5ft2 and weigh 45kgs and wear size 6 clothes. Does anyone know if you can change the size now that they have been ordered? And on this close to the surgery?

    Keeley 2

    Hi girls,
    Having read ur messages I’m now even more uncertain of what size I should go for.
    I’m 5ft 6 and size 10 in the winter and an 8 in the summer lol.
    I had my consultation yesterday and was advised to go for either 300 or 325cc mod+ overs .
    I’m currently a 34b and also wanted a natural looking full c cup. I really don’t want to look too big and am now thinking maybe even 275cc would be enough.


    Hey chick I wouldn’t at all your on the samllist size of anyway chick stick to the biggest ones as if you under fill they will sag as skin will don’t be filled out and look like a golf ball n a shopping bag xx

    Keeley 2

    I just don’t want them to look too big and out of proportion with the rest of me. I think I may stick with the 300cc then, anything will be better than what I have now lol.
    Anyone else had 300cc’s over the muscle that they can share a pic of??? It’s so hard to visualise what they might look like as the sizes seem to look different on everyone!


    I’m 5,4ft and size 10 I got 590cc with 32GG and still in size 10 tops


    Just do the rices and get a feel for it xx

    Keeley 2

    Yeah I’m defo going to try the rice test.


    I am a 30AA atm and im scheduled for my procedure on 28th i wanting a ful C cup however reading some of the comments i dont think ill achieve it also behind the 3rd muscle, 250cc is max surgeon suggested for my frame as im 5ft 8inchs and weight roughly 7st ish ive breastfeed all three of my boys happy with that and wanna future children, im now indecisive on whether i need to push for 300/350cc as i want it to be worth it also

    Jaclyn 41

    Biggest you can go. Wish i went bigger!

    Gemma 2

    I’m 5ft 2, 50kg with a 32 inch chest. Was originally a 32A. My surgeon and myself were not sure between 250 and 300cc. He ordered both and I agreed to let him decide in surgery which looked best. I’m a doctor and didn’t want an obviously fake look for fear of affecting patients/colleague relationships. In the end we went 250cc. I’m just coming up to 2 weeks post op and they look great. They went under the muscle to achieve a more natural look and were tear drop. He said he doesn’t think he’d of got the 300 in due to my petite frame and how tight my muscles were. 250 looks a fantastic natural size on me, I’m happy with what we went for

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Gemma 2.
    SunnyJones 13

    Hello @gemma I don’t suppose you could private message me, I am 5 ft 5, 8 stone, 32A/AA at present and want to go for teardrop UNDER the muscle, may I ask what size you are now, and if you have any before/afters. I do not want to end up bigger than a C and it’s so hard to tell as some girls here start with nothing, and after 250cc end up with a D, which is not what I

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