Scared.!!!!! Started by: Georgina Hutchinson

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    4 days till my op…. I’m absolutely terrified of being put to sleep, I’ve never been put to sleep before and i’m that much of a wimp I cried at the dentist last time I was there! How has everyone found being put to sleep?

    Rebekah 174

    Honestly I’m petrified of needles Iv had my boobs done the 2nd time 2 weeks ago , the needle is the least of your worry there’s so much going on you honestly don’t even think about it and it doesn’t even hurt !! I would get it done again tomorow honestly don’t worry about it after you get it done you’ll be like omg is that it !!! Xxx


    Thank you so much! Yours look amaze btw! Xx

    Jo 13

    Completely understand, I had never had an op either. To be honest I have no recollection of being put together sleep at all. I didn’t see a needle I don’t think and I didn’t feel one either. The anaesthetist is so good there’s really nothing to be worried about. Eek!
    I woke up afterwards and was so out of the I wasn’t sure if I’d had anything done

    Tiffany 20

    Georgina I was exactly the same, I was shaking when I went down & thought about cancelling a few days before purely down to nerves! It’s honestly a breeze. I don’t know if yours will be the same but I led down, they put local in my hand which made me feel like I’d had a few gins (in a good way) gave me an oxygen mask to hold & I don’t remember much more from that. You honestly have no idea it’s coming & you don’t feel a thing it’s fine. When I woke up I couldn’t believe it was over! Xx


    Thank you so much girls honestly your all so reassuring !!

    Clair Abbott 34

    I had mine done yesterday. Nurses are so lovely they reassure you all the time. It’s totally fine. I hate being put out but they kept my mind off it. I woke up asking if I had boobs lol xx

    Jenna x 53

    I was exactly the same never had an op before was terrified of being out under also, the anaesthetist guys were amazing they keep you calm and are super lovely about the whole thing feels like it takes seconds and next thing you know you’ll wake up with boobs, it’s that fast! Xx


    I had my survey yesterday. I was 2nd to be seen which was good. It’s just the waiting around I struggled with

    However, the actual op weren’t half as bad as I thought. They’rr lovely there. They did say when I woke up I look petrified and refused to speak to them as they were prepping me up for surgery. All I did was when I was lying on that bed. Closed my eyes and tried to blank out everything… before you know it you’re waking up in another room. Honestly, nothing to worry about. Good luck xxx

    Kaz 4

    I’ve got my op in the morning and I’m so scared now!! I feel really emotional today so have a feeling I’m gonna be in tears in the morning lol! I’ve never had a GA before so no idea what to expect.


    Thank you so much hun!


    Good luck girl!!! You’ll be absolutely fine and it’ll be worth it in the end! Let us know how you get on ! X

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