Scared op on Friday Started by: Jane

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  • Jane

    My BA is Friday. 10 years doing research and now I am bricking it big time!

    Did anyone else feel like this ?


    Mine’s on Thursday and I’m starting to feel the same. I guess the best thing to do is be sure of exactly what it it is you’re scared of first. My main worries at the minute are about how false they’ll look at first and for how long as really don’t want to have to tell anybody about it, especially work. I’m a secondary school teacher so the last thing I want to do is stand out and have to endure whisperings. Ugh. I would be mortified:( To help me with that I’ve been looking at as many pre-post op pics as poss so I can try and judge how I’m going to conceal it. My other big concern is recovery time as I will only have 3 days before I have to go back to work (and I’m having unders, which are supposedly more painful) and I have two children (2 and 4) of my own to also contend with! My husband wil obvs help when he’s home but, when he isn’t, I have no-one who can help :-/ I haven’t managed to quell this fear yet!! I suppose most people are worried about the surgery but remember, this is such a common procedure now that they routinely offer it as a daycase, which I think shows how straightforward it has become. Hope that helps xx


    My fears are they will look false but on the same hand I’m scared they won’t be big enough I’m having 400cc overs as I have 38a’s now and ones a bit saggy . I’m know I’m being stupid but how do I stop it !!
    I’m prob being pathetic. I have 5 days off before I have to go back to work everyone knows as I work in an office and I told everyone so I was in charge of the gossip.
    I do understand how you feel as kids are hard work without being in pain x

    Lots of my friends have had this done and one of them I didn’t notice as she just wore bigger tops x

    Where are u going to have yours done ?


    Have no fear! There is nothing to be scared about at all surgery wise. Being put to sleep is actually a reakky funny feeling lol. The onky bad bit if you had to say was the needle at the start (thid is just your average needle, but its the only scratchy bit) after thst you dont know or feek anything and your just awake again lol. Iv been lucky as i havnt had any pain what so ever, maybe thats becuz iv had a baby lol! Youll be fine, and as for fakeness, as long as you listened to the surgeon and went with his advice and not picked too much cc youll look perfect. I wanted bigger than 310cc from an A cup but glad i never because they look skightly fake at this size. Feel free to add and have a look at pics x


    Good plan to be in charge of the gossip. I might’ve been inclined to go that way if it wasn’t for where I work. I really think getting a look at the post op pics of anyone of similar stats (and cc) is invaluable for putting your mind at rest on the size score. Even better if they gave pre-op pics to be able to compare the difference. I’ve found that each time I’ve done this I’ve started to feel excited again.
    I’m having Mr Kazzazi at Doncaster, where they offer it under local anaesthetic and sedation. Hoping this will make a big difference to my recovery time. General anaesthetic can leave you drowsy for days before you even consider the pain. Everyone I’ve spoken to about recovery have all had GA so haven’t got any feedback re: local anaesthetic, yet. The GA feedback was not encouraging for my recovery allowance!! Where are you going? Who’s your surgeon?xx


    I’m having dr mouner pro spelt wrong at Preston I’m having a GA as I’m a wimp x

    I haven’t really looked at any pictures but I really should look at some peoples xx

    My friend is a teacher and she said it was a new bra when she got asked !


    Yes I’m scared as well think everyone must get a little bit x my op is today at Preston with mr traynor worried about the same things x I was looking on the forum last night and no one was having the same size implants as me x the surgeon recommended the size I’m having so I shouldn’t be to worried but looking on the sight gets you thinking about all sorts x mad panic on last night thinking my bra was too big after reading posts x I was online ordering another at 11:30 last night it will be here tomorrow in case my other is too big xI was just having a wobble moment I’ve waited a long time to have this done ,I’m ready and will be glad when I look down and my chest sticks out further than my ribs xxx


    My op is on Friday too & just thinking about it now is making me feel really nervous! I’m having a few last minute panics but think it’s probably because it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time & can’t believe it’s actually happening. I have only told my boyfriend & best friend really not sure how anyone else is going to react but plan on not openly telling people if I don’t have to. Also I’ve got an eight month old too & can’t help but think I’m being selfish as won’t be able to pick him up for a bit.
    I just keep telling myself how long I’ve wanted it done though and how glad I’ll feel afterwards once it’s all settled & these short term issues are over x


    Clare where are u having yours done


    I’m having them done at Preston , where are you? x


    Preston too still waiting for times xxx


    I spoke to my pc today & she said they should get the list tomorrow so hopefully we’ll get our calls tomorrow with times x


    What size implants are u having ?


    I’ve got 380 & 410’s ordered but decided I’m going for the 410’s & I’m having unders . Going from 34b said I wanted to be d/dd x


    I was wearing push up bras before the op anyways so if you don’t wear too low cut tops while there healing and look fake then no one will notice too much! People only notice mine because they know I was having it done. I’m only 3 weeks post op and some girl told me I had great boobs while I was out, not even noticing they were implants lol. So happy with mr kazzazis work xxx


    I’m having 400 overs I was hoping to be a Dd after but not sure what I’m going to be !! This maybe why I’m bricking it I know they will be bigger than I have now but I just wanted to be a DD. I don’t know if this will make sense to anyone.

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