scars Started by: princess

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    hey girls
    im just over 3weeks post op now and was wondering if anyones scars are like a very thin dark line? when i took the dressings off in my first visit to the nurse, my scars healed really well and they werent even pink or swollen or anything! they are now just like a very thin dark line…was wondering if any1 else is thesame? when do they start to fade a bit?



    Hi, that sounds very normal for the healing stage you are in. first the scar is red or dark or even slightly purple in color. as it takes 1-2 months for healthy new cell to reach the surface of your skin and repair the the injured site, it can stay this colour before it starts to fade. The fact that your scar is thin is a very good sign, you obviously have no keloid scar to be worried about. happy healing and nice to hear your recovery process. x


    thanks gossipgirl! that put my mind at rest. :)xx

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