scars Started by: kathryn

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  • kathryn 1

    Hi, i’m 4 months post op and my scars are still very red and visible, my surgeon says in a few months they won’t be visible but i’m not sure, Can anyone tell me how long it took for their scars to fade and be less visible? x

    Kylie 1

    Im 4 months po too and my scars are faded but still noticable when lying down. Im using bio oil everyday still to help with the scars and prevent stretch marks and so far so good. I got a few stretch marks after about 2 weeks but theyve pretty much gone now and Im sure its only due to the bio oil.

    kathryn 1

    at four months I hoped mine would be faded but I think they’re still really red, my surgeon said don’t put anything on them tho but I really want them to fade x

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